
Help with SA-35 front sight replacement search


Hey y’all,
Many years ago I had a chance to run a few mags through a custom HP while I was deployed to the Sandbox. The HP belonged to a FBI HRT operator.
I really liked how my eyes were automatically drawn to the Gold bead front sight.
Now that I’m getting ready to purchase a SA-35 I’d like to get a gold bead front sight for it but I’m having trouble finding one. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance 🤠

Thank you for your service. Welcome to the forum.

Are you thinking something like these?

Thank you for your indulgence,

Yes Sir! I surely do appreciate your help. Hope you have a Tremendous Day 🤠

Yes Sir! I surely do appreciate your help. Hope you have a Tremendous Day 🤠

You are welcome. Please note that I don't have any direct experience with these gold bread sights. I guess the 1911 and SA35 are similar enough platforms, it's possible that a gunsmith may have to modify the unit to fit. Hopefully you can figure out what height to use. Good luck! Please show us the finished product.

I'm a fan of tritium Speed Sights myself, although I don't have them on my 1911, yet. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,


You are welcome. Please note that I don't have any direct experience with these gold bread sights. I guess the 1911 and SA35 are similar enough platforms, it's possible that a gunsmith may have to modify the unit to fit. Hopefully you can figure out what height to use. Good luck! Please show us the finished product.

I'm a fan of tritium Speed Sights myself, although I don't have them on my 1911, yet. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Gold bead and ivory beads have been used on express sights for many years. They are popular on big dangerous game rifles like rhe doubles used in Africa. I used a gold bead and V notch on my Ruger Redhawk 44 mag and my Remington 760 in .35 Remington for hunting for years.