
Here we go, from the left......the "Thought Police" are HERE...!!!!!

You have to be able to do both.
Understand and learn something new and then be able to apply it to real world applications.

You can read and learn all the rules of the road and IFR - ILS approaches in dense clouds and rain, but until you drive the car and fly the plane, its not going to serve you correctly.
I don't care about degrees at all. If you don't have practical experience you know nothing. Also if you don't know or lack common sense you are untrainable in my mind and have no business trying to train or teach someone else.
My dad,WW2 vet, no HS diploma. Dad pretty much ended his career teaching management for the USPS, OU University. Dad worked 15 years on the post office railroads( RPO). So proud of dad
We had a female Officer many years ago, 2 Master's degrees. Could quote sections and statues of Law all day and night but no street smarts whatsoever and her last call (I wasn't on it) a perp smacked her into the stone age. Thank God two other Officers were there. At HQ the perp told investigators he smacked her because she let her guard down and became complacent. She quit that same day. Then we have an Officer who isn't all that book smart but street smarts, he's an expert. I personally believe in a lot of cases the more education a person has a lot of times they actually become dumber. Just my two cents...
Ahh you guys are arguing smartness, experience and degrees. All I know was that I just needed to be smart enough to be able to mary a doctor 😅
My friend is married to a Doc😁
well...la-dee-frickin dah....

i have ALL 7 of my doctors on speed dial..!!

and for back up..?

3 pizza places.


Whatever happened to "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me"?

Thank you for your indulgence,

I taught upper division criminal justice courses as a part time adjunct for years. Faculty meetings with full time academics taught me that most of those folks live in a different world. I had to bite my lip a lot. I was amused when I came to a meeting directly from work in uniform and learned later that one of the liberal profs was "uncomfortable" with a uniformed officer present in the meeting. They can get these strange ideas that are reinforced in their echo chamber and you will not change their minds. Right up to the point that the real world bites them.