
Hex Wasp - Anyone’s randomly stop working?

Can't get a good look at mine, at least while it's mounted on my gun, but I do see a square hole. This is where the LED is located. I don't see any exposed wires. I kind of figure there has to be somewhere that the LED can project, so I don't see an issue on mine. I do have another RDS on another pistol. Not a Hex, but I can also see a square hole where the LED is projected from. No visible wires or boards on either...
Mine has a hole where the laser comes from, wires are visible from a top right perspective view. Ive seen the holosun 507k/c have it right up against the hole (appearing sealed), photos online appear to be taken in a way so you cannot see it. Looks like it may have been fixed on newer wasps (no clue just a guess), is yours a replacement or original?
Mine has a hole where the laser comes from, wires are visible from a top right perspective view. Ive seen the holosun 507k/c have it right up against the hole (appearing sealed), photos online appear to be taken in a way so you cannot see it. Looks like it may have been fixed on newer wasps (no clue just a guess), is yours a replacement or original?
Mine is an original. I bought it the day after they came out on 2/23/21. It's been working ever since - 15 months now.
Here’s about the best I can do with a picture of the hole. Not the best, but may be good enough.

Here’s about the best I can do with a picture of the hole. Not the best, but may be good enough.

View attachment 26827
So keep in mind mine is dead so the red you see is a wire. Definitely a difference between the two. Really Hoping that Springfield sees this and does something about it, yours has no wire exposed and worked as advertised, mine has wire exposed and eats batteries in a month.


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Visible wire or not, that is not the problem...though it may be another problem. Batteries are not the problem. Circuitry is the problem. My latest (third!) seems to be working beyond the 30-31 day typical lifespan of the bad units. The circuitry in the bad units kill the battery!
Visible wire or not, that is not the problem...though it may be another problem. Batteries are not the problem. Circuitry is the problem. My latest (third!) seems to be working beyond the 30-31 day typical lifespan of the bad units. The circuitry in the bad units kill the battery
Are the wires not part of the circuitry? Were you able to see the wires in your first 2 wasps? How about in the third that appears to be working?
Are the wires not part of the circuitry? Were you able to see the wires in your first 2 wasps? How about in the third that appears to be working?
There were a bunch made that failed, draining the battery in about 30days.
The problem has been fixed as members are saying they are receiving Hex Wasps that are working as required.
Have Springfield send you an RMA, return yours and they will send you one that’s working.
There were a bunch made that failed, draining the battery in about 30days.
The problem has been fixed as members are saying they are receiving Hex Wasps that are working as required.
Have Springfield send you an RMA, return yours and they will send you one that’s working.
Well I already did all of that except dropping it at FedEx, so thank you for the advice. Do you have anything to add about the exposed wires? I dont think they are acceptable for finished product to begin with.
Just went to the safe and looked at my Hellcat, with no manual safety btw, but with the SMSc sight installed. It too has a tiny square hole where the led projects through, but it's seems much smaller than the hole on the Wasp depending on the angle you're looking from, and also has a sort of visor over the hole so that when looking directly straight down on it you can't see the hole. The Wasp also has a sort of a visor which can be seen when looking directly straight down at it. On the Wasp however, the hole does appear somewhat larger than hole in the Shield, but maybe not. Certainly not enough to say for certain without some serious measuring.

Now as for the wiring ..... on the Wasp, I can very clearly see a tiny red wire and a tiny black wire running through the line of sight in the little square hole. On the Shield, I'm pretty sure I can see a tiny green wire running across the little square hole.

So, now that I've looked closely at them both and compared them closer, I don't see a whole lot of difference in the two from a build perspective. The overall appearance is a little different, and frankly I like the Shield design a little better, but the actual specs as far a the square hole and the tiny wire/s look very much the same.
Well I already did all of that except dropping it at FedEx, so thank you for the advice. Do you have anything to add about the exposed wires? I dont think they are acceptable for finished product to begin with.
Sorry but no, I don’t own a HellCat or Wasp. The Holosun I do own which is mounted on my XDM Elite compact 10mm has performed flawlessly.
Are the wires not part of the circuitry? Were you able to see the wires in your first 2 wasps? How about in the third that appears to be working?
I’m talking about the solid state electronics. Not wires. Chips, circuit boards, voltage regulation. Not wires. And no, no visible wiring on any of the three. Take apart a hair dryer. Or a hand held vacuum…Dustbuster? They route wires through every nook and cranny. What some of you are seeing is an errant wire. Circuitry…not wires.
I’m talking about the solid state electronics. Not wires. Chips, circuit boards, voltage regulation. Not wires. And no, no visible wiring on any of the three. Take apart a hair dryer. Or a hand held vacuum…Dustbuster? They route wires through every nook and cranny. What some of you are seeing is an errant wire. Circuitry…not wires.
I think that's what bothers me most, cheap household items route their wiring in a way that looks planned. For 300$ exposed wires are lame, china really can do a better job. Cell phones and household appliances dont have them exposed why should open rds accept it?
As an update to this thread. I received my 3rd wasp on Monday of this week and installed it. So far so good, we will see in 1 month. I did notice that the dot seems much smaller now. Wondering if it was just being overpowered before as it was possibly drawing max power to the diode. Not sure but based on my pictures, that’s what I gathered. This wasp has the wires much more hidden than the previous. Don’t see that as an issue either way, but just adding that comment based on previous discussions.
Been reading the hex wasp battery issue. I don't believe it's the battery, as I'm on my 3 third battery change since Nov. 2021. I finally called Springfield. and the nice lady on the phone said, yes, the battery is supposed to last way much more time than 3 weeks to a month. according to Springfield it is supposed to last at least 2 years. or over 6000 hours, so it's not the battery. it has to be the unit. Maybe I got a faulty unit. received a fed exp. label to return wasp for replacement. Springfield is a great company. I have there xd's. so, I will keep you all posted when I receive the new wasp. lead time is 30 days for a new one. I got the original wasp when I purchased the $849.00 RDP package.
so maybe the first batch had some issues. but I will find out. KEEP SAFE.
This is an update. So far the battery is now over a month in use after getting a replacement wasp. Let's hope it continues to work. I will keep everyone posted.