
Hex Wasp - Anyone’s randomly stop working?

I purchased the HellcatRDP back on November 1. Installed the Hex and on December 1 the dot dimmed and could hardly be seen. I called SA and they said to replace the battery so I did. Happy New Year...it died on New Year's Eve. So I have installed two new batteries and both have lasted exactly 1 month. 3rd one (and last one) going in today. If this one goes out before June I am sending the Hex back for a replacement.
Any update. I"ve tried to buy a Wasp since the NRA show in Houston for my new Hellcat Pro. ( I looked at the Pro at the NRA Show) No luck anywhere. I think it was a bad idea to whet the consumer appetite, when nothing is going to be available. I'm a SA customer for years and like most of the products, but I think they rushed this product to market.
Sun, Jan 2nd and mine still going strong battery wise .... although I'm still concerned about that little square opening where I can see the little, tiny wires. I'm still concerned water can/will get down into it.

Nobody knows for sure or has any opinions? "Help wanted" !
I think you may be on to something. You basically added a shim under the battery, could be the batteries are barely making contact and shorting the sight internals and killing the battery at the same time. Maybe SA should look at that. It would explain why a lot of the Wasp sights are dying. Along with their batteries.
They will just send you a replacement one that may or may not be a fixed one.

The emails I received from Springfield yesterday and this morning:

Them: Hello, The problem our guys have found is that some of them were not dimming like they were supposed to so it is draining the batteries. They have been working getting these replaced/rectified.

My Response: Ok, so why am I having to continue to send mine in? This will be the third time in 4 months.

Them: That is what they are wanting us to have customers do so that they can get the red dots replaced not that they have figured out the issue.

So basically they are just sending out new ones hoping to get a good one to their customers eventually. This will be my fourth replacement, all a while taking at least a month to get between sending and receiving.
After seeing these responses, I'm no longer a Wasp potential customer. I don't "hope" my EDC gun will work. Zero tolerance on my part. Also, SA has not bothered to return my emails, so I'm done with the "Wasp" search. The lost me before they had me on this one.
I’m not trying to show any disrespect to anyone having issues with their Hex Red Dot but if you Google reviews on this brand 90% are not good.
I chose the Holosun 507C and it’s been working fine since install and has been rock solid during shooting.
I previously did the same, hoping that the way they pushed the Hex brand at the NRA Member show in Houston this year, perhaps they had corrected the issues. It's clear they have not. Trial and Error doesn't work for me as a solution, letting your customers be your guinea pigs for your product. Especially at their price point. I'm going with Holosun.
They lost me also. I have two Wasps and have struggled to get them working correctly. I have had to send for replacements twice. i have 2 Hellcats.

i have ordered a Sig P365x and am not even considering a Wasp.

I think I will go with the 507K GR x2 Holosun. Green dot, switchable reticles (circle or dot or both).
more expensive but no more Wasp for me.
I know I can google-smart this more, but as I am doing that I thought I would post to our amazing forum.

Purchased RDP…all good, wasp seems to be ok. Not the best but love the co witness and metal/design. Certainly works well. Went in the safe for a month + as I been busy. Took it out today and it is dead.

I thought “well it was perfect 0 so maybe the battery was just old.” Three battery swaps later…nothing. Blew around contacts, tried batteries..nothing.

I emailed support. I am guessing this somehow died on me. Hope that lifetime thing is true.

Any other reports out there?
Mine goes through a battery about every 2 months that’s terrible I think it should at least last a year. I use it for my carry gun and if you depend on the Red Dot you might be screwed when really needing it 😡😡😡
After seeing these responses, I'm no longer a Wasp potential customer. I don't "hope" my EDC gun will work. Zero tolerance on my part. Also, SA has not bothered to return my emails, so I'm done with the "Wasp" search. The lost me before they had me on this one.
In all honesty the Springfield email system has been sketchy for a while and they seem to have fixed the Wasp issue but I agree.
Ok , this thread has been going on for over a year.26 pages and counting , and they are still selling the hex wasp.Now someone will tell me "Oh it's been fixed " Move along , move along , nothing to see here.
All I can say is the replacement they sent me has been working for over four months now. First one killed two batteries in that amount of time.
I wrote to SA after purchasing a Hellcat Pro. I was excited to purchase a Wasp, as that was one of the reasons I purchased the Hellcat. SA has not returned one email yet. I don't deal with that. The Hellcat was purchased as a EDC weapon. I don't do "maybe it will work". I have zero tolerance policy regarding a tool that may be called on to save the life of me or my family.
The hyped the HexWasp at the NRA Annual Meeting in Houston this last spring. No one there told me the Wasp was not available then, nor would it be in the near future. I'm going to put a Holosun on it. Case closed.
Day 60 with the replacement sight. Still working.
That fact you feel the need to post the time, says a lot about the product. You are hanging on hoping it will work. I won't do that. When I buy these tools, they either work, or don't. They don't work, they are sold and no longer in my world. Through several pages of this thread, I have decided to not purchase a Wasp. It doesn't work. So it doesn't come into my life. I will buy a Holosun. They work.
T L R, it's obvious you've had a bad time and experience with the Hex Wasp RDS. I can't make that right for you but I can maybe ease it just a little.

I bought one of the very early Wasps not long after they came out, but didn't install it for a good long time after receiving it since I already had a "Shield" SMSc on my Hellcat. I just sat it up in my safe until I felt the need or impulse to put it on my gun. Well, time passed and it still sat in my safe.

Then after it (the Wasp) had been on the market for a year or so it seems folks started reporting lots of problems with the Wasp in that they were killing batteries left and right, and nobody seemed to have an answer for a long period of time. But we must acknowledge that was right about the time we were going into quarantines, all work forces (R&D'ing, designing, manufacturing, shipping, etc) were undermanned and/or shut down, and supply chain issues were bad all-round. I became a little concerned that I may also have a battery killer in the safe and that after so long a time if I had a problem with it I really would not have a legitimate claim to any warrentee.

So in December of last year (2021) I installed the battery (already more than a year old) that came with the sight and set it on top of my safe in the brighter ambient light to intentionally cause the heaviest drain on the battery as possible. Now here we are 8 months later in August and the battery is still going strong. With some conversation here on the forum and in several other circumstances, it seems to be and I'm pretty well convinced the early models did not have a battery issue. But that somewhere along the production timeline the product manufacturer and/or specs must have changed for some reason and that is what led to the battery problems. I know we were able to verify some actual physical size differences from the very early ones to those that came a few months or maybe a year later, but no way to know of any design/internal differences. But it seems now that we've seen/heard of far less negative issues of any kind over some time. I can't/won't swear that they've corrected any/all problems associated with the battery issues, but it seems to have certainly reduced the number of actual claims. That seems to have been pretty well agreed to by most I've talked with.

Now it seems, if IIRC, that SA has finally resolved whatever the battery issue was and is rolling out functional replacements, albeit slower than most would prefer, with whatever corrections were required to make them a reliable product. I took time to write all this to you to simply say I honestly feel the Wasp is now a reliable and functional RDS at a reasonable price and in my humble opinion would not be a bad choice. Yes, you might still get one of the bad ones, but you likely won't. I would venture to say that if you did it would be more due to the supply chain problems still existing rather than a 'still bad' product.

The Wasp requires no modifications to your gun that may or may not negatively affect the value at a later date whereas some other brands do requires some mods, and it looks great on the slide of the Hellcat. And the fact the Wasp was provided primarily for the Hellcat by the same folks who made the Hellcat itself says something. As good as the handgun is, Springfield Armory would surely not support any product for that handgun that is/was not as good as the gun itself.

I'm not claiming there are no other good products out there and in fact I feel/think my Shield is as good as any. But even now I personally would not have any heartburn installing my Wasp at some time in the near future. In every product investment we find ourselves involved with, we "pays our money and we takes our chances". Sometimes those chances are a little harsher than others, but I really don't think you'd be too far off the mark if you considered the Wasp one more time.

Best of luck in whatever you decide.
I wrote to SA after purchasing a Hellcat Pro. I was excited to purchase a Wasp, as that was one of the reasons I purchased the Hellcat. SA has not returned one email yet. I don't deal with that. The Hellcat was purchased as a EDC weapon. I don't do "maybe it will work". I have zero tolerance policy regarding a tool that may be called on to save the life of me or my family.
The hyped the HexWasp at the NRA Annual Meeting in Houston this last spring. No one there told me the Wasp was not available then, nor would it be in the near future. I'm going to put a Holosun on it. Case closed.
I’m in the same boat. No response at all. So today I’m on my way to buy a p365 to replace my hellcat pro. I really wanted to love it but the none replies and no wasp. I don’t deal like that. I bought the 507 green dot but not willing to grind on a month old gun. So I will put it on my 365. Good luck with yours.
I’m in the same boat. No response at all. So today I’m on my way to buy a p365 to replace my hellcat pro. I really wanted to love it but the none replies and no wasp. I don’t deal like that. I bought the 507 green dot but not willing to grind on a month old gun. So I will put it on my 365. Good luck with yours.

I wouldn't trust the Wasp either, but there are other options these days.

As for being able to get a hold of SA via email, it's widely known and understood that emailing them is a waste of time. They are very responsive to phone calls though and pretty willing to stand behind the products they sell. Perhaps if you had called them before you emailed it might not have been such a frustrating experience. I'm not saying it was your fault or suggesting you change your course of action, just lamenting that it could have been a positive experience, or a more positive experience for you had you came to this forum and read this 4 million page long thread beforehand.

At any rate, good luck. The Sig is a fine weapon.
Just got my replacement Hex Wasp back from Springfield. Thought about keeping it as a backup to my Holosun but instead deciding to sell it. Don't want to run risk of relying on this optic considering the overall issues.

Any suggestions on how I could list it on a site like eBay? New, warranty replacement?
Just got my replacement Hex Wasp back from Springfield. Thought about keeping it as a backup to my Holosun but instead deciding to sell it. Don't want to run risk of relying on this optic considering the overall issues.

Any suggestions on how I could list it on a site like eBay? New, warranty replacement?
How much
Well fellas I'm coming up on 5 months with no issues after getting my replacement.
I have shot around 800 rounds of varied ammo and no problems, laser has stayed zeroed since install
Hopefully I got a good one
Good luck to everyone trying to get a reliable one....