Gents, I will eat nothing but Ramen Noodles in order to buy a police trade in Glock instead of a Hy Point. I have seen me do it. Yes, they work in the short term. But they are not high round count pistols. Joking aside, they are a tool aimed at the customer who can't afford anything else. If you are in that position, quit wasting time on this forum and get a part time job so you can afford something better. Guns are to be treasured as in many countries one is not allowed to own them. You live in America, so love it. And buy a good gun. Nobody on their death bed ever said "I wish I had not spent so much money on guns". Ever.
can i buy a pizza that i like, or must i buy one that conforms to your standards.???
not everyone can afford say for instance, a $350 to $400 gun.
as for not being able to stay on this site....??
who made you "Lord of the site God"..?????
if those are your cars in the avatar, then you are lucky that you are rich...
thank your lucky stars you have them, cuz someday you can just as easily lose them, as well as your job, your house, etc..
you are lucky you are is another story.
i am on SS but i can still "afford" some things in life, like food, my house, my toyota, presents for our grandkids, and my guns.
but many others on SS simply have to decide on those items, and if needing a protective weapon..??
then a Hi Point (corrected spelling by the way), is what they can afford.