
Hi-Point YC9 CTRD: Yeeting Rounds on a Budget

Look, I am not trying to start a fight. But Hy Points (old spelling before they moved) are not suitable for anyone that has enough spare time to be hanging out on a firearms forum in my opinion. That time could be better spent working a second job to get ahead. That is how I did it. Hard work from several jobs. Yes, those cars are mine. Some folks would call me rich. Not my parents. :) But I am comfortable because I worked hard all my life. I purchased my first house a year out of college...because my folks stressed to me that rent was wasted money. Cheap meals? You bet. Would I trade my life? Not for another million dollars. View attachment 73725
vain much...are we...???

self centered much as well...??

are you sure YOU should be here on a lowly gun site, and not some high falutin gun owner site..??

like maybe Ed Brown, Wilson, Alchemy, and such others, since you have so much distaste for what someone else can afford...??

i mean after all, its only a Springfield Armory website, where they have a gun or 2 made in Croatia.....

you have a tough life, being you...i guess that's why you said you'll leave your guns to your friends kids....

got none of your own....???
Still on a roll! I am offended at the assertion that I am somehow privileged. I never thought of myself as that. Which I actually think is a requirement of being privileged. I mean, those people think they are better than others, right? I never thought that for a second. I grew up Middle Class. I didn't realise until I was much older that my parents were actually careful savers. So I did the same thing...saving at every corner, not eating out except for special occasions, no new cars...but firearms. That was different. When I was about 14 my old man gave me a walnut stocked Ruger 10/22. And a Ruger Standard Automatic Pistol, both of which I still have and shoot. Good tools to last a lifetime.
Still on a roll! I am offended at the assertion that I am somehow privileged. I never thought of myself as that. Which I actually think is a requirement of being privileged. I mean, those people think they are better than others, right? I never thought that for a second. I grew up Middle Class. I didn't realise until I was much older that my parents were actually careful savers. So I did the same thing...saving at every corner, not eating out except for special occasions, no new cars...but firearms. That was different. When I was about 14 my old man gave me a walnut stocked Ruger 10/22. And a Ruger Standard Automatic Pistol, both of which I still have and shoot. Good tools to last a lifetime.
i managed to buy Snap-On Tools and still have many left, while young, married with kids, working like about 60 hours a week in a damp, barely heated garages, and no a/c, many times no fans in the hot muggy days of New England..

saying to me i didn't work hard...??

then i got into trucking, with same wife, and added kids.....

worked like nearly 100 hours a week, which legally, i could only show 70....

sent all but maybe $200 home each week.........

you saying i didn't work hard..???

i don't judge a person for buying a low priced Hi Point, but i will judge a person that thinks those people can do better.
After all this crap (above), I'm gonna go buy a Yeet Cannon just for giggles and see how long it lasts. I have a feeling I'll be impressed and disappointed at the same time. They're only about $150 around here.
the local mom/pop bait-gun store had a couple of models, for just under $375 here..(small store, cannot sell lower)
I might be a little vain, now that you point it out. I don't think of myself as that, but then again I am pretty proud of what I have accomplished. I retired 6 years ago...somewhat hastened by my struggle with alcoholism. It was time to quit for my own health. But for many years I was the best in the business. I take pride in that. I still maintain that a trusted sidearm is ones first duty. A man has to have a trusted sidearm and a good knife. Clothes, shoes, everything else is secondary. But ones shoes should be London Bobby Boots from Doc Martins. There can be no exceptions from that for footwear.
I might be a little vain, now that you point it out. I don't think of myself as that, but then again I am pretty proud of what I have accomplished. I retired 6 years ago...somewhat hastened by my struggle with alcoholism. It was time to quit for my own health. But for many years I was the best in the business. I take pride in that. I still maintain that a trusted sidearm is ones first duty. A man has to have a trusted sidearm and a good knife. Clothes, shoes, everything else is secondary. But ones shoes should be London Bobby Boots from Doc Martins. There can be no exceptions from that for footwear.
best footwear..??

Walmart 2 for 1 sales, on days that end in Y

but yeah, you sure are a conceited person, if i ever heard one.

i hope you have fun looking down onto others....

forgot your alcoholism did you and you were at a low point in your life..???

you ain't no better than the person you look down at buying a Hi Point.

but you go ahead and think you are..
So at that point in your life, did you consider a Hy Point? Or were your sights set higher? Snap On tools...so you understand the value of a quality tool. And that is not a Hy Point!
$375??? any online retailer is selling Yeet Cannons for $175 TOPS. Add your $25-50 transfer fee and you're good to go. Unless communist Rhode Island doesn't allow them..... Go to classicfirearms.com for the going rate of a Yeet Cannon.
that's what he was selling them for......when i first saw them in the display case.

i can't say what the transfer fee's are here, i don't pay them, unless he adds that into the cost..??

i dunno

scroll down to the prices, it could have been 1 of these :"higher priced ones"

Well That Escalated Quickly.png
Geez I am not going to convince you. Well I guess I am OK with that. In your heart, you really believe it is a viable choice I concede your point. But when that day comes, and it might but probably won't, and I pray for you that it does not...but if it comes I praying for you nightly that you are better armed. Stay safe my internet friend.