vain much...are we...???Look, I am not trying to start a fight. But Hy Points (old spelling before they moved) are not suitable for anyone that has enough spare time to be hanging out on a firearms forum in my opinion. That time could be better spent working a second job to get ahead. That is how I did it. Hard work from several jobs. Yes, those cars are mine. Some folks would call me rich. Not my parents. But I am comfortable because I worked hard all my life. I purchased my first house a year out of college...because my folks stressed to me that rent was wasted money. Cheap meals? You bet. Would I trade my life? Not for another million dollars. View attachment 73725
self centered much as well...??
are you sure YOU should be here on a lowly gun site, and not some high falutin gun owner site..??
like maybe Ed Brown, Wilson, Alchemy, and such others, since you have so much distaste for what someone else can afford...??
i mean after all, its only a Springfield Armory website, where they have a gun or 2 made in Croatia.....
you have a tough life, being you...i guess that's why you said you'll leave your guns to your friends kids....
got none of your own....???