
Hi Points for Everyone !!!

My heart is black and dead bro.
All kidding aside, HiPoints are ugly, heavy, bulky and cheap, BUT the ones I’ve see have worked pretty well. It’d beat a sharp stick, and for $99 how wrong could you go?
You can't. I have owned Hi Points, one 9MM, tow of the 40's and now have the 10MM
No issues with any of them.
When I was in college, I was painfully poor. Basically, I worked all summer as hard as I could and as much as I could so I could live off that money while I was in school. So poor, when I graduated I swore to myself that was the last time I would ever eat Ramen Noodles again. And I would go back to three meals a day of Ramen Noodles and Dandylion Greens from the apartment yard to afford a Glock Police Trade In rather than take a free Hi Point to throw into the river where it belongs.
We (people who've been poor) all have our never again's from when we were poor. Mine is shopping at thrift stores.