I am saying, nearly every treatment, therapy or vaccine has the disclaimer, "may cause sudden mood swings, you may experience bouts of depression and thoughts of harming yourself or others, seek help"
Do you pay attention to the fast paced rambling at the end of the commercial? You can puke, you can crap the bed or spit your coffee at the TV, I don't care. The fact is we are a medicated society. I don't believe there's enough oversight into cross reaction, I don't believe that there is any level of observation after treatment. That compounded with the prevalence of illicit drugs coming from, "survey says" MEXICO! Kids are medicated into "good little zombies " the first time they get outta line. Things have changed since us old people were in school. Back in the day, teachers taught respect, accountability and the basics of being a human being. For that, I am eternally grateful to my teachers. If I acted up, I was corrected. Not coddled and given a time out. There were repercussions for bad behavior. Nowadays, the teacher has a student act out, first thing is a visit to the school psychologist who refers to a physician which will promptly dope the kid up with this or that so they have a docile face to say "here" and not cause problems or question anything.