
honest opinions/thoughts please

I was at my local indoor range last week - and when I say local, it is a 7 minute drive, which in DFW is practically the end of the street - and had two morons (really, I’m being kind) who quite clearly had never shot a gun before. They were renting guns and had to ask the guy behind the counter how to remove the chamber flags. As I stepped up to the counter the manager came up and I said to him - how the hell do you let two guys loose on the range who have to ask how to take the chamber flag out? The Manager queried the guy behind the counter who waffled some nonsense and then said to me - We’ll see. I told them to put me at least 5 lanes away from the two numbskulls - which they did. Bottom line, they’re more interested in the bottom line than safety.

I was back in the next day and one of the cretins (who never stooped texting the entire time the first day) was in there buying a pistol, phone firmly clutched in both hands, completely unable to make direct eye contact with the salesman. All I could think was this guy looks like the sort of people we see on the TV after shooting up a high school, people asking how this person got a gun in the first place.
All comes down to the mighty dollar, sad to say
I was at my local indoor range last week - and when I say local, it is a 7 minute drive, which in DFW is practically the end of the street - and had two morons (really, I’m being kind) who quite clearly had never shot a gun before. They were renting guns and had to ask the guy behind the counter how to remove the chamber flags. As I stepped up to the counter the manager came up and I said to him - how the hell do you let two guys loose on the range who have to ask how to take the chamber flag out? The Manager queried the guy behind the counter who waffled some nonsense and then said to me - We’ll see. I told them to put me at least 5 lanes away from the two numbskulls - which they did. Bottom line, they’re more interested in the bottom line than safety.

I was back in the next day and one of the cretins (who never stooped texting the entire time the first day) was in there buying a pistol, phone firmly clutched in both hands, completely unable to make direct eye contact with the salesman. All I could think was this guy looks like the sort of people we see on the TV after shooting up a high school, people asking how this person got a gun in the first place.
this is why i go early in the AM, during the week.

never on weekends, never on holidays

the ones that go like me, are older, retired, or ones with a member learning to shoot, and some of those guys take a female or 2, to learn.....

they (the public range) get a lot of female shooters wanting to learn, and most guys should learn from THEM, on how to be respectful and focused, as they (the gals) are there to learn and get a ccw many times....

the ladies PAY attention to instructions, and have NO ego to satisfy.
I love it when the ladies are involved! My wife shoots HER 30 Nosler out to 800 yards and has killed deer at 400 yards!
Her son in law just can't handle it. He also has a herd time accepting the fact that my wife shot a 160" WT buck. LOL
My oldest daughter also shoots out to 800 yards. They are not intimidated with recoil. They have shot my buddies 30-378 Wby and my 338 RUM and 375 H&H Mag.

Unfortunately, your club president needs to have a spine and issue warnings to the newbies. Otherwise it will continue.


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My private, non-profit club has 16 ranges, including the indoor ranges for pistol, archery, youth program BB gun, and a lake for fishing. Rules for each area are posted, including cleaning up after using. As our club president says, "we are all "owners" of the club and should treat it with pride." There's video surveillance in all areas. Unfortunately, there are always a few miscreants who think the rules don't apply to them. We are encouraged to speak to them regarding rule infractions, which I'm not shy about doing, and/or report them to the club ASAP for video review and disciplinary action by the board, usually a warning if it's a first time minor infraction. Repeat offenders may get their key cards deactivated, resulting in suspension of range access temporarily up to termination of their membership, especially if it's a repeat, severe, safety related violation. I'm proud to be a member of this great, friendly, and well run club.
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that's what's irksome.....the irresponsibility of the newbies.

it's like, "hey i paid my membership initiation fee's, with my yearly membership fee, i should do as i please"

there is even a 1 year probation before a member can take a guest. the guy that signed in for Saturday, i cannot recall him being there for 6 months, let alone 1 year already.

for me, they had a policy of 6 months probie, and i waited that long. i was one of about 3 that got in under that probationary period. the executive officer was against that, but he was over ruled. now, they "listened" to him and made it 1 year before you can take a guest.
My club has a 3 year wait list so that keeps most members in line for the fear of screwing up. We only have 10 basic rules at our club and they are very easy to follow.
I love it when the ladies are involved! My wife shoots HER 30 Nosler out to 800 yards and has killed deer at 400 yards!
Her son in law just can't handle it. He also has a herd time accepting the fact that my wife shot a 160" WT buck. LOL
My oldest daughter also shoots out to 800 yards. They are not intimidated with recoil. They have shot my buddies 30-378 Wby and my 338 RUM and 375 H&H Mag.

Unfortunately, your club president needs to have a spine and issue warnings to the newbies. Otherwise it will continue.
Women with a Weatherby !!!😍😍😍😍
Be still my heart !!!
ok, so i belong to a public range, and a private club.

at the range, i do not have to clean up after myself, but i do, as i want my brass.

at the range we are REQUIRED to clean up after shooting as there is no one else such as a janitor or custodian to clean the shooting area.

we simply turn on a "red flashing light" to warn anyone, the range has someone out there, for whatever reason(s)

so the club has been getting "newbies" that do not seem to want to comply with the rules.

i have "had to" sweep the range, and some of the shooting ports, as there will be casings, target scrap, shrapnel on the floor.

now, let it be known, if there are tiny bits and pieces, i don't mind sweeping, it's inevitable, that some stuff gets missed.

but i am talking like at least 2 full medium sized coffee cups full of garbage, i am sweeping.

this takes away MY time to set up, shoot, then clean up my own mess.

i have told the exec officer about this nonsense 3 times now, last time, i said, anymore and i am outta here.

today, it happened again, i had to email him.

he said they will look at the video, and pursue this other member.

so, if this crap was happening to any of you, what would you do...????

right now, i am really setting myself up to leave the key-fob (that opens the door electronically) and walking away

it's one thing to sweep up your own crap, but the crap of others..????

over and over again..???

I’ll send a couple of the boys over to help ya…….😬😬
The two indoor ranges I shoot at do not require you to clean up as they have a range officer to use a water sweeper for the most part.
I have been to indoor ranges where they require you to clean up after you shoot however I found clearly most did not care and even have left targets still hanging and a mess where they shot.
It was a pain to try to start shooting and stepping on spent shells and even misfired shells of which I do not shoot there any more.
Unfortunately, too many just do not care and just walk away after shooting. Even free ladies days, I do not go there any more.
The two indoor ranges I shoot at do not require you to clean up as they have a range officer to use a water sweeper for the most part.
I have been to indoor ranges where they require you to clean up after you shoot however I found clearly most did not care and even have left targets still hanging and a mess where they shot.
It was a pain to try to start shooting and stepping on spent shells and even misfired shells of which I do not shoot there any more.
Unfortunately, too many just do not care and just walk away after shooting. Even free ladies days, I do not go there any more.
ok, i am glad you said this.

at the public rane i am a member of, i only sweep up my brass and brass nearby. yes, they have RSO's that actually sweep up. this is why at that particular range, i shoot at the last port, #12..

that way my spent shell casings do not get stepped on, crushing them. yes, i had a few crushed ones, when i used to shoot at the other ports, as people just walk on by, not giving a care in the world.

the private guns clubs are "generally" safer as with mine, we had to attend a safety class which when we first join, is an automatic $100 fee.

and in that class, they also press into the newbies about cleaning up, among other issues.

the members of the board said, "it is to ensure that everyone here, is on the same page"

but i guess that some "pages" get eaten by the family dog, or goat..?????
this is why i go early in the AM, during the week.

never on weekends, never on holidays

the ones that go like me, are older, retired, or ones with a member learning to shoot, and some of those guys take a female or 2, to learn.....

they (the public range) get a lot of female shooters wanting to learn, and most guys should learn from THEM, on how to be respectful and focused, as they (the gals) are there to learn and get a ccw many times....

the ladies PAY attention to instructions, and have NO ego to satisfy.
Anybody who has shot or shoots at a public range runs into all kinds of people. Not to sound like an old man but, it does seem like younger people are more focused on their phones(social media, texting) than they are on what's important(driving, looking people in the eye, shooting, studying, etc., etc.).

I try to avoid conflict because "nobody wins in a fight or argument.". If I'm at a business that does not do things the way I'd prefer, I go to another business.

With gun ranges it's a lot harder because of how few they are compared to grocery stores, restaurants.

One of the things I like about being retired is that I can go to businesses at times when there are less people and less chance for conflict. I'll be the first to agree that some of the people who to gun ranges on weekends can be dangerous and rude. And some of them don't take gun safety seriously. Hence my avoidance of gun ranges and certain restaurants on weekends and holidays.

As far as cleaning up after others. If I have the time and someone's trash bothers me enough I pick it up and move on(mentally and physically).

Sometimes the best way to send a message is with actions not being grumpy or whiny. Most adults will notice a person's positive actions and even if they don't, their mess is on them, not on you. I'm too old to waste brain power on most selfish a-holes. If someone wants to learn I'll help them if I can, if they're focused on their phone then I just walk away.

Finally, I practice some of my shooting skills with a pellet pistol. I can shoot them many places and it's pretty cheap compared to going out to a gun range. Nowadays there are pellet pistols that are similar in size/feel to a real firearm.

Where there's a will, there's usually a way...:)
I shoot at a really good outdoor range public but ran very well they don’t require you to clean up but I always do . Most of the young people are good about it but once a while you get your Eddie Haskell . Good people ran this public range you can join if you want it’s a little cheaper for its not worth to join
there is one thing that i can do, to get on with things and this situation.

i can go maybe on Fridays instead of mondays

there is a scheduling problem on my end, which made mondays more convenient for me and the Mrs.

this way, "if" i go on fridays, by the end of the previous weekend, someone else would have had to deal with that BS.

i dunno, 'If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain'

or, i just try and go another day..????...since i ain't no freaking mountain climber, and my name is NOT Muhammad........!!!!!
Ok seriously now, just because you have to sweep up after others so you can enjoy some range time doesn’t mean it’s a deal breaker and you have to quit, I know it’s a pain to have to clean up after others, which you shouldn’t have to do, but it’s not anything to quit a club/range over, that’s the way it is anymore, and the management can’t be there 24/7 to watch over others, my club has no RO period, there are signs posted and it’s on a honorary basis to clean up after your done, at times yea, I have to sweep up after others, but what is 5-10 minutes of this when you clean up after yourself also, I would just go and enjoy your outing and don’t give it any more thoughts, you asked for a honest response
I belong to a private club. Its very rare for people to leave behind paper, drink bottles or other trash. However, brass is everywhere. I almost always have to sweep out an area to shoot. But, very few seem to mind. We have lots of reloaders here and plenty of good once fired brass to pick up. I always go home with more brass than I came with. In fact, I haven't had to buy new brass in many years. ;)
We even have brass hunters. It not uncommon to see someone show up, collect all the loose brass laying around and leave without firing a shot.
Its not a problem, its a perk. :)
Ok seriously now, just because you have to sweep up after others so you can enjoy some range time doesn’t mean it’s a deal breaker and you have to quit, I know it’s a pain to have to clean up after others, which you shouldn’t have to do, but it’s not anything to quit a club/range over, that’s the way it is anymore, and the management can’t be there 24/7 to watch over others, my club has no RO period, there are signs posted and it’s on a honorary basis to clean up after your done, at times yea, I have to sweep up after others, but what is 5-10 minutes of this when you clean up after yourself also, I would just go and enjoy your outing and don’t give it any more thoughts, you asked for a honest response
it has to do with time that i have allotted myself, for either the club or the range, then be back home, so the Mrs can go and do her things.

i really cannot elaborate anymore than that, as to the home situation.

which is why it irks me that i have to give up my time, that i wait for, days before getting to go.

it's like when i post a new gun, then say something like, "i hope i can get to the range in xx number of days" for a "range report".

i simply cannot "up and go" at the snap of a finger.

then it is afterall, mutual respect of the rules, that everyone signs on that membership form.

by sweeping up someone's mess, before i get to shoot, allows me to track MY shrapnel, and not confuse it with others.

why so important to know..??

if there are other bits and pieces spread all over the place, i won't know if what is like 1 foot in front of the port nearly at my feet, is mine or the other guys. yes, i have had my own new or reloaded bullet pieces come back to me that close.

also, many times the cinder block walls on each side of the range, loses some "pieces" and i want to know if i did it or not, maybe from a ricochet off the backstop wall.

or the ceiling tile pieces i see on the floor are from me, or the others.

even though many here have seen my targets, i am still concerned with me having an errant shot, and causing damage.

which, me being who i am..??

i'd make it known to the XO, "i did that".....

it's how i have been all my life to admit "i did that"