
Honor Guard

Back when I was in the Army during the early to mid 80s, and the Marine Corps in the early 90s, units were tasked to provide honor guards for funeral details and parades. Our issued 16A1s and M16A2s were what we used. And I was on a lot of these details. I'm not saying it is a good or bad thing, but it is done this way a lot and has been for decades.
I have briefly discussed with my wife what I would like for myself when I die. Either have me cremated and spread my ashes in one of my favorite places, or if she feels the need for me to be buried, then put me with some friends. And that would be at the Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery. Just make sure my marker stone reads correctly.
As an old fart, I’m glad the Presidential Honor Guard still uses M1’s and M14’s and didn’t switch to the ugly M16. I’ve seen some local ceremonies where the Honor Guard carried M16’s and it just doesn’t look right. My Opinion of course.
honor guard did some HARD work climbing those darn steps at the capitol
each time i see it, i ask why they dont use the ramp in the back area..
while i was watching and watching what seemed like forever before they moved the casket off the casion, my mind said PLEASE no loud bangs as those horse are out of here and drop goes the casket on the ground.
army got in big trouble over conditions of the horses and entire area the horses are kept,
i see they got a pass to do president carters ceremony. they DID GOOD
speak johnsons and leader thunes eulogy was nice
harris laughed the whole time with her dumb smirk giggle ...freaking disrespectful old hagg
As someone mentioned the caisson funerals at Arlington are shut down until they fix all of the abuses to these horses (who should have a pretty easy life.) An exception was made for the Carter funeral.