
House Oversight Committee Subpoenas White House and ATF Over Alleged Gun Control Collusion


Founding Member
More on the ATF and this current administration envolvement with Chicago’s suit against Glock

well Mayorkas was impeached.. What did that accomplish? He is still in the position with no consequences. The "right" has been soft far far too long. Reaching across the aisle. Bipartisanship. Coexist. Go along to get along. All progressive phrases that mean doing what they want. The country has been overthrown slowly. What will you do.
The President is the boss of the ATFE. Since when is managerial oversight "collusion?"

Try taking that idea to HR. Seems like Republicans are getting desperate.
Did you read the story?
It is not about collusion between the President and the ATF it is about collusion between the executive branch and with plaintiffs in a lawsuit.
"The inquiry is centered around the pending litigation City of Chicago v. Glock, with allegations that the White House coordinated with anti-Second Amendment plaintiffs."
Nice try attempting to confuse the issue.
Now this administration has authorized the use of military force against the American citizens. which is us.
“From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Did you read the story?
It is not about collusion between the President and the ATF it is about collusion between the executive branch and with plaintiffs in a lawsuit.
"The inquiry is centered around the pending litigation City of Chicago v. Glock, with allegations that the White House coordinated with anti-Second Amendment plaintiffs."
Nice try attempting to confuse the issue.
I didn't write the headline.
I didn't write the headline.
The headline does not say or imply collusion with each other, or for that matter with who, just that the house oversight committee subpoenas White House and ATF. No worries though. Just another do nothing investigation/hearing. The sobs got to make it look like they are doing something. Again nice try.