
How did we ever survive our childhood?

Being the youngest I slept on the rear window ledge, my brother (middle child) slept on the floor that had a hump (not sure how comfortable that was) and the oldest (only sister) had the rear seat. Well........Vinal seats are slippery and when dad hit the brakes my brother got squashed. My sister wasn't a light weight, well still isn't! Talk about playing football as kids...................parents bought us gear from Sears. I was a Packer and my bro was a Cowboy. Our yard was full of sandburs, but that didn't stop us from playing! We used to pick them from as close to the ground as possible so the stems were long. Threw them like German grenades. We would also put the trampoline a little ways from the house, get on top (house) and get a run jump onto the trampoline and see how far we could catapult out in the yard. Yep! We all lived!
Walked and played in the woods every single day weather didn't deter us and we always felt safe doing whatever we wanted whether it be picking berries, gathering spring water, camping or just climbing trees and the ever present building forts with left over lumber and Dad's endless supply of tools and nails. Those were the days...
Anyone spend time climbing up on the roof just to jump off? And continuing to do it over and over. I remember the time I was left home alone and did a scientific experiment to determine which was more flammable gasoline, carburetor cleaner or starting fluid. Starting fluid by a huge amount. Probably the dumbest thing was satisfying my curiosity what it would be like to load a double or triple charge of gunpowder in a shotgun shell. We had a MEC shotshell loader because we lived close to the range and my father would take me to shoot trap and skeet. For a couple years I wondered during loading sessions till I loaded one up. Big mistake was firing it in the garage so the neighbors wouldnt hear. Im surprised I can still hear. But this thought goes off in a direction on being a father. I have raised three amazing sons and there were times when one of them would do something and not a bad thing but an activity and I would get a random thought of something I did growing up and wonder why my father didnt kill me. Childhood .... what a wonderful part of life.
Yup. And we didn't have seatbelts, either. How about your little brother taking a nap on the package shelf in the rear window?

No bike helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, etc. We played tackle football with no protective gear except for the few kids who were lucky enough to have helmets.

Guns on a rack in the back window of your pickup at SCHOOL, of all places. Guns on the wooden rack on the wall you made in shop class.

We drank water from the tap (gasp). Played outside with the other kids all day long until called home for dinner.

And somehow we survived...

My daughter is now 31, but when she was in high school the kids often had gun racks in the back windows of their trucks. Probably still do. I know they still close school the first week of rifle season.
And although laws have changed to ensure how babies/young children are restrained I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen mothers in cars holding and even breastfeeding babies in cars going down the road/highways.
Take a trip through Boston. Little kids, and I mean toddlers, are hanging out the windows. Thier just inches away from falling out while the clueless parent is doing whatever.
You survived! Many children didn't which is why all the safety features came to pass. I'm old enough to remember cases children suffocating because they were hiding in an old ice box or fridge that latched when closed. Hence the refrigerators haven't had latches for many years.
As many are dying these days over asinine stuff like tik tok and other social media challenges. I did alot of stupid stuff in my childhood but I never had the desire to prove myself by eating a Tide Pod.