Being the youngest I slept on the rear window ledge, my brother (middle child) slept on the floor that had a hump (not sure how comfortable that was) and the oldest (only sister) had the rear seat. Well........Vinal seats are slippery and when dad hit the brakes my brother got squashed. My sister wasn't a light weight, well still isn't! Talk about playing football as kids...................parents bought us gear from Sears. I was a Packer and my bro was a Cowboy. Our yard was full of sandburs, but that didn't stop us from playing! We used to pick them from as close to the ground as possible so the stems were long. Threw them like German grenades. We would also put the trampoline a little ways from the house, get on top (house) and get a run jump onto the trampoline and see how far we could catapult out in the yard. Yep! We all lived!