
How do I fix this

This occur during firing or field strip? Can you disassemble?
Probably one of the easiest to field strip, so wonder what went wrong during putting it back together. Possible the recoil spring isn’t seated properly or slightly askew/slipped out of alignment ?
This occur during firing or field strip? Can you disassemble?
Probably one of the easiest to field strip, so wonder what went wrong during putting it back together. Possible the recoil spring isn’t seated properly or slightly askew/slipped out of alignment ?
Happened during feild stripping
i think you jumped the rails by for whatever reason, you slid the slide too far back maybe..???

if i recall, some will most likely say to remove the plate that holds in the striker, try to get the striker to come out, then the slide "should" move forward..??

if any spring(s) is/are broken, get replacements?