
how do you build a temporary pier and port in a land

Mulberry harbours were two temporary portable harbours developed by the British Admiralty and War Office during the Second World War to facilitate the rapid offloading of cargo onto beaches during the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944.

If they truly wanted to make a on the fly harbour, they can easily do it❗

While the existing physical conditions are different, if they wanted it done, with will be done❗
I read they are now talking about building a dockage right next to the petroleum fields just off shore from gaza with the reason to give food to gazans❗

Must be another coincidence❓
Let me get this right—these are the people who shout “death to America” and we are the ones spending millions to support them? Where are all the surrounding Muslim countries handing out supplies to them?
Yup, don’t see the Saudis or even the Iranians say “ come on in, we’ll take care of you….Nooo, gotta be ‘Ol Unc who they hate. And doubtless the bleeding hearts are going to want to bring them Here! Just exactly what we need, more people in our country who hate and want to destroy it-as if the D’Souza aren’t bad enough…
Yup, don’t see the Saudis or even the Iranians say “ come on in, we’ll take care of you….Nooo, gotta be ‘Ol Unc who they hate. And doubtless the bleeding hearts are going to want to bring them Here! Just exactly what we need, more people in our country who hate and want to destroy it-as if the D’Souza aren’t bad enough…
I wonder why the US chose the exact position directly next to the proven NG just off the shore of Gaza and not close to Gaza. Must be just a coincidence ❓