
How do you fellow enthusiasts choose a firearm?

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Found mine renting from my local range. Went through a ton (alright, maybe 10) then got that one. Been happy with it so stuck with the brand. YouTube and Full30 videos solidified my choice. No haters of the firearm. Good. Solid. Dependable. Right price point.

Springfield Armory (duh).

would like something more exotic and expensive, but I ain’t made of money, so......
I hear ya on the exotic. Just like cars and babes! Guy let me shoot his Dan Wesson custom 10mm at the range after I let him empty 14 rounds from my Hellcat. WOW! What an awesome pistola! Super accurate Every detail perfect, balanced, sexy. He claimed that buying it cost him his marriage. I never saw her, but that gun was a looker!
I buy allot of guns, it basically what ever strikes my fancy at the time. Probably own things from most manufactures from Glock to Marlin and everything in between. Life is to short to only shoot one brand or model. Sometimes you just see something and you get that tingle that tells you "I want that".
Oh, I know that feeling. I play guitar and own 17. Had to start hanging them on the walls cuz they fill a room. I'm planning on trying a few other guns. Thanks for posting.
First gun should be for what fills the immediate needs you have and with that in mind consider cost to be factor for most. Is the need self defense, home defense, target, or hunting? Whatever the need or purpose seek out honest reviews about whatever you are contemplating and try handling or firing the firearm a few times before buying if possible.

Personally for me now my needs have shifted to that looks cool I want one for most purchases but I do occasionally come up with different roles for guns that I buy like trying to buy certain a model and add it to my collection before BET7 gets one.
Good advice. Thanks!
I’ve got all of my “needs” firearms bases covered, in triplicate in most cases.

I’m very much in the “collection” phase...but mostly as shooters...I really try to not have safe queens.

I'm deeply into HK's; have nearly all of their earlier (pre-USP) models, many USP models, as well as P30 and HK45’s...now, I’m looking for unusual variants. In their long guns, I have examples of all of their “black” roller locked rifles (HK91, 93 and 94), and am starting on their sporting rifles.

After that? S&W & Colt revolvers...I’ve got 4 of the “Seven Serpents”, and lots of pre-model number Smiths.

So, as I said...I’m at the point of getting things that interest me...and I do wheel & deal, buying, selling, trading...it’s a hobby.
I'm interested in HK's as well. I've heard only good but I have yet to see or handle one.
When I started shooting there was not much to choose from.
I bought Smith&Wesson revolvers and one semi which I still have.
In 2016 I broke down and bought my first plastic fantastics.
Since I knew nothing about them I searched the various forums, figuring you guys use your firearms not like paid magazine journalists.
I wanted to like M&P 1.0, but the triggers were awful, I tried a Glock but it was like holding a 2x4.
I settled on a MOD-2 and never had an issue yet.
Do the research and listen to others and you shouldn't have buyers remorse.
My dad has an old s&w .38 special. Like a Chief's Special or something. So, when I got my concealed permit, I bought a s&w .38 special airweight snub nose revolver and a de santis belt holster. I don't think I ever got one solid grouping with that gun and felt like I was better off with a butter knife. I stopped carrying for years. I just didn't have the right gun for me. I do now!
What has been the major deciding factor for yourself when buying a new gun?
The Hellcat OSP purchase was a no-brainer for me. Right place, right time, had some cash. Had spoken with a neighborhood cop and told him I had my concealed but didn't carry. He said I just didn't have the right gun and if I had my permit, I should utilize it, get a no frills EDC, and become proficient and comfortable with it. The first thing I bought was a Kimber micro .380. I actually really like it. It's great to just stick in my pocket and it's fun and cheap to shoot. But, when I went to pick up the Kimber, the store had put up the Springfield Hellcat posters. I saw "world's first sub-compact 9mm with 13+1 capacity". I was sold. I bought the last OSP model they had. Im glad I got it when I
My very first gun, I bought because I wanted one to have fun with. Jan. 27, 1975 my 18th birthday I bought a Browning BL22 at JC Penny's. Still have it and still love to have fun with it. My first handgun was a Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 magnum. I bought it for hunting, and did take my share of Whitetails over the years. My only SA is my 1911-A1, I didn't buy it, my BIL bought it for me. He was a Vietnam veteran and believed that the 1911 was the only true pistol and every man should own one. As a side note to this.... My BIL Charles Noble is being buried in Ft. Knox on Wednesday. One more victim of Agent Orange, he fought Cancer for the past 6 years and finally lost.
My very first gun, I bought because I wanted one to have fun with. Jan. 27, 1975 my 18th birthday I bought a Browning BL22 at JC Penny's. Still have it and still love to have fun with it. My first handgun was a Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 magnum. I bought it for hunting, and did take my share of Whitetails over the years. My only SA is my 1911-A1, I didn't buy it, my BIL bought it for me. He was a Vietnam veteran and believed that the 1911 was the only true pistol and every man should own one. As a side note to this.... My BIL Charles Noble is being buried in Ft. Knox on Wednesday. One more victim of Agent Orange, he fought Cancer for the past 6 years and finally lost.
Sorry for your loss. My mother worked in a factory that made silicon waffers in the early 80's. She was exposed to a lot of chemicals during the 8 or so years she was there. She died of brain cancer 4 years ago. It took her really fast. Only about 11 weeks. I talked to an old friend of hers at the funeral. He said that 3 others that worked with her got cancer and died all around the same time. You just never know. It's amazing we're all upright and breathing with everything that's trying to kill us. Thanks for posting!
My very first gun, I bought because I wanted one to have fun with. Jan. 27, 1975 my 18th birthday I bought a Browning BL22 at JC Penny's. Still have it and still love to have fun with it. My first handgun was a Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 magnum. I bought it for hunting, and did take my share of Whitetails over the years. My only SA is my 1911-A1, I didn't buy it, my BIL bought it for me. He was a Vietnam veteran and believed that the 1911 was the only true pistol and every man should own one. As a side note to this.... My BIL Charles Noble is being buried in Ft. Knox on Wednesday. One more victim of Agent Orange, he fought Cancer for the past 6 years and finally lost.

My condolences for your loss. I've lost one uncle to Agent Orange, and a second one has been living with horrible medical problems the past 10 years, and is dying a slow agonizing death at the moment. Both uncles were larger than life to me back in the 1970's, the one who passed 10 years ago stood guard in Arlington at the tomb of the Unknown soldier, prior to 3 trips to Vietnam (I think re-upping was due to survivor's guilt). It was always fun when they came through town to stay with us when I was a kid, either on a big motorcycle, or in one of their Land Cruisers.

To me it was a shame that for so many years the VA denied the effects of agent orange on the troops. I still blame the VA for both the uncle who died, and the one who is dying, as they both were riddled with cancer despite going to the VA, who did not catch it, only being diagnosed when seeking treatment at a regular hospital.
I have 7 pistols, working my way up to 10...

1st I want 2 micro, 3 Sub Compact, 3 med size, and 2 on the larger size. So I have a choice for different occasions and or clothing type I'm wearing. The reason for more than 1 of each is in case one gun is getting repaired or developed an issue, I still have another gun in that size to use.

Accuracy of gun, trigger/trigger pull, good sites, and how it feels in my hands are critical. Capacity is kinda important to me but not critical.

I try to stick with Springfield or Sig
I have a growing collection. I tend to gravitate to brands that I have found to be reliable and comfortable to shoot. I prefer guns with good warranties because it seems like those warranties are rarely ever needed. How a gun feels in my hand is super important, because that will effect how I shoot it. Trigger pull and feel effect accuracy for me, so that is important. I do watch a fair amount of videos and usually do my research before buying a new firearm, but I typically won't buy unless I feel it's a good deal. Like someone else said, I try to buy with the idea that if I don't like it, I could sell it and not take a bath. I have gotten to the point where I will just sit and wait for the right deal.
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