
How Harris And Walt Actually Plan To Attack The Second Amendment

It's not? I'm pretty sure the goal is to make it harder for domestic abusers, child molestors and terrorists to get guns. Am I overlooking something?

I don't want guns to end up in the wrong hands. Guns in wrong hands makes responsible gun owners look bad. I'm not a bad person for having guns.
I believe what you may be overlooking is that Molesters, Abusers and Terrorists, are criminals. While a law, any law, such as Universal background checks, may on its face seem cool and virtuous, it simply ignores the fact that a criminal is not bound by said law. Any criminal can get a gun in many different ways, buy a trunk gun, rob a house, smash & grab a store and on and on... in the end, a law like this only impacts law abiding persons and since we are already law abiding, said law is unnecessary.

Case in point, I have been involved in two traffic accidents in the past several years. Both times I was hit from behind at a red light, one the person had no drivers license or insurance and the other the person had expired drivers license and insurance. Both times resulted in my having to take a lot of time and money to rectify (500 dollar deductible for non insured motorist etc), both times the criminal driver was let go on the spot and both times they failed to come to court. I, as the law abiding citizen lost and the criminal went their way. This demonstrates that a criminal by definition, has no regard for law. There are already laws on the books that require a drivers license and insurance to drive but criminals simply do not care; the law only impacts we who follow said law.

That is common sense
Case in point, I have been involved in two traffic accidents in the past several years.

I also was the victim of a hit & run, the motorist that hit me was uninsured, unlicensed, underage. He wrecked my axle and fled the scene of the accident, I had to flatbed tow my car home, but he got caught a few hours later. I'm not sure it would be better if we didn't have laws, but I know which side of the law I'm on. My local police also know which side of the law I'm on. Right now selling guns to criminals without any due diligence is also on the correct side of the law. I do not like that part. It's harder to open a savings account than it is to buy a gun. That does not seem right to me.

NICS has a list of 32 million people who are prohibited from buying guns, 15 million of them are illegal/unlawful aliens. Why would anyone not want to make it a tiny bit harder for illegal aliens to get guns?

That's just my point of view. I'm sure everybody has their own reasons for stuff. Stay safe y'all.
I also was the victim of a hit & run, the motorist that hit me was uninsured, unlicensed, underage. He wrecked my axle and fled the scene of the accident, I had to flatbed tow my car home, but he got caught a few hours later. I'm not sure it would be better if we didn't have laws, but I know which side of the law I'm on. My local police also know which side of the law I'm on. Right now selling guns to criminals without any due diligence is also on the correct side of the law. I do not like that part. It's harder to open a savings account than it is to buy a gun. That does not seem right to me.

NICS has a list of 32 million people who are prohibited from buying guns, 15 million of them are illegal/unlawful aliens. Why would anyone not want to make it a tiny bit harder for illegal aliens to get guns?

That's just my point of view. I'm sure everybody has their own reasons for stuff. Stay safe y'all.
Don't you already have to go through a background check and have ID to legally buy a gun, in any US state? They copy your ID, you do the crapton of forms or do the online background thing and stand there waiting for the government to shoot back an Approved or Denied to the dealer. I have never purchased a gun from any legal dealer that did not require this... and, I have been standing there when a guy had his background come back as Denied, and he did not get a gun.

>Stay safe out there for sure!
It's not? I'm pretty sure the goal is to make it harder for domestic abusers, child molestors and terrorists to get guns. Am I overlooking something?

I don't want guns to end up in the wrong hands. Guns in wrong hands makes responsible gun owners look bad. I'm not a bad person for having guns.
So you’re all for outlawing private gun sales between citizens and you somehow think you’re being pro 2A ? Wanna give your grandson a .22. Go to the gun shop, pay them to do a transfer ? Meanwhile you think criminals are actually buying guns legally and outlawing private gun sales will magically make criminals not have guns ? Yeah, you’re definitely missing something.

Another hint. Compromising with anti gunners will not make them stop coming for your guns.
I also was the victim of a hit & run, the motorist that hit me was uninsured, unlicensed, underage. He wrecked my axle and fled the scene of the accident, I had to flatbed tow my car home, but he got caught a few hours later. I'm not sure it would be better if we didn't have laws, but I know which side of the law I'm on. My local police also know which side of the law I'm on. Right now selling guns to criminals without any due diligence is also on the correct side of the law. I do not like that part. It's harder to open a savings account than it is to buy a gun. That does not seem right to me.

NICS has a list of 32 million people who are prohibited from buying guns, 15 million of them are illegal/unlawful aliens. Why would anyone not want to make it a tiny bit harder for illegal aliens to get guns?

That's just my point of view. I'm sure everybody has their own reasons for stuff. Stay safe y'all.
You might want to look into how many people get prosecuted for trying to buy a gun legally when they’re a prohibited person ? It’s not many. And it’s literally already illegal to sell a gun to a non citizen, felon or any other prohibited person.

Then you have the fact that the only way universal background checks could be enforced is if all guns are registered. Otherwise they would have no way of knowing when the sale took place, before or after the law took effect.

So frankly I’m left thinking either A) you aren’t very in tune with pro gun groups, you don’t read any pro gun publications and don’t watch TV because otherwise you would already know that universal background checks, aka the “Gun show loophole” is a long running anti gun back door registration scheme parading as “ common sense gun laws”

Or B) you absolutely know all that and are trolling everyone here. Which seems stupid to come to a gun forum and opine for anti gun legislation. Even the liberals here are not supporting that crap. Well, all except one. I’m sure if you hang out for long you’ll recognize him and you two will become good buddies. 🙄
you don’t read any pro gun publications and don’t watch TV
Correct. My gun interest is focused on the technology and history. I guess I just don't care enough about the politics to lean either way. I watch TV, but I don't watch any of the partisan mainstream news because I see it as fear mongering on all sides and it's a huge turn-off. In my humble opinion, mainstream media moguls have discovered how profitable fear mongering is and they convinced one side that guns are coming for them, convinced the other side they're coming for the guns.

Sounds like this is a partisan forum focused on politics, not so much guns. I'm not here to discuss politics, so I'll just see myself out. Sorry for the inconvenience. I wish y'all the best. Take care and stay safe!
Correct. My gun interest is focused on the technology and history. I guess I just don't care enough about the politics to lean either way. I watch TV, but I don't watch any of the partisan mainstream news because I see it as fear mongering on all sides and it's a huge turn-off. In my humble opinion, mainstream media moguls have discovered how profitable fear mongering is and they convinced one side that guns are coming for them, convinced the other side they're coming for the guns.

Sounds like this is a partisan forum focused on politics, not so much guns. I'm not here to discuss politics, so I'll just see myself out. Sorry for the inconvenience. I wish y'all the best. Take care and stay safe!
No it’s a forum very much focused on guns and gun rights.

If you simply wish to talk about guns and not gun rights it’s easy enough to not involve yourself in conversations about gun rights. Which might be wise if you can’t do it without advocating for gun control.
No it’s a forum very much focused on guns and gun rights.

If you simply wish to talk about guns and not gun rights it’s easy enough to not involve yourself in conversations about gun rights. Which might be wise if you can’t do it without advocating for gun control.