Ha ha! I just re-read this post of mine and realized what a mess I made of it. In the last sentence I mentioned one reason I'm more concerned about my surroundings than 50 years ago is "the changing surroundings, the other part probably a false sense of immortality."
I intended to say that the feeling of immortality was 50 or so years ago when I was a young buck of about 20 something and feared nothing. Yeh, it doesn't take long to get over that feeling as you age.
In your 30's you realize it takes a little longer to heal after a little scuffle and the bruises don't fade as fast.
In your 40's you realize it not only takes longer to heal but hurts during the whole healing process, however long it is.
In your 50's you realize everything has slowed way down and you have to recognize that .... otherwise you really realize just how long it does take to heal.
In your 60's, if you're still not aware of all that's changed and/or slowed down during those years from when you were 20 something, it's probably too late for you to learn anyway ...... so
in your 70's you realize life's just to short to take a chance on it..... you admit you're too old to fight with a bad guy, and too slow to outrun him, so you get real serious about your CCW!
Yeh, y'all all know what I mean!!!