
How the military used to train to shoot a 1911

In my earlier post I mentioned guys that chose the so called shoulder holster. The holster was not like modern ones made today. The holster actually was positioned on one's chest, not under a left or right armpit. With web gear, flak jacket and pockets full of stuff I found it to be uncomfortable, just in the way.
A kid on my truck was deployed in Afghanistan in 2016-2017. He was an MP. He said most of the guys bought cheap, knock off holsters from Afghan shop keepers because they were way more useful than the crap they were issued.
Yep, and that is with a supposedly well-funded military.

Imagine the not-so-well funded armies going in the same places told to keep up. During Desert Shield we had helicopter pilots buying their own bulletproof vests to sit on, so they wouldn't get shot in the **** by the locals while flying over villages. The amount of "that'll do" and "that's all we've got", pretty much the answer to anything, was a bit frightening. And what body armor? Suck it up. Good times 🤣 Almost as if nobody cared back home...
door gunners in my unit scrounged steel plates, covered with heavy tent material to protect the jewels.
Doesn't that **** you off beyond belief to know that some asshat in DC got a kick-back from one of the prime contractors to close their eyes and sign off on procurement of below-spec performance or faulty material?
Yep, you're right. Of course my situation occurred many decades ago. I want to think our government today does everything they can to protect our war fighters. Having said that, I'm skeptical.
Yep, and that is with a supposedly well-funded military.

Imagine the not-so-well funded armies going in the same places told to keep up. During Desert Shield we had helicopter pilots buying their own bulletproof vests to sit on, so they wouldn't get shot in the **** by the locals while flying over villages. The amount of "that'll do" and "that's all we've got", pretty much the answer to anything, was a bit frightening. And what body armor? Suck it up. Good times 🤣 Almost as if nobody cared back home...
It's like all the marketing hype with "Mil Spec". Fact is I want my stuff to be based on something other than "Lowest bidder", which is pretty much what mil spec is.