If the holster/barrel extends below the belt line (which it normally does), how is it not jabbing you in the leg or stomach or pointing at a majority artery or private region while squatting, sitting, or bending over? That's the issue I had, and it was very uncomfortable. Even with the "claw," it still printed more so than other methods of carry because my stomach is not completely flat, and I don't wear baggy over sized clothing. Maybe I was doing it wrong???
Safety and/or hammer fired or not, the muzzle end is pointed at one of the last places you'd like to get shot. I wouldn't use the fact that a gun has a hammer or safety as a reason to say it's okay to point a loaded gun at any living thing let alone myself. Guess we all do have choices. I really don't care about how others choose to carry to be honest. I am just reporting my personal experience and why I ultimately came to the conclusion that it wasn't comfortable or safe for