Javbike, you got a heck of a deal (free stuff). Just the charcoal chimney itself was worth your trip to pick ti up. But please, throw away that damn fine wire brush. These brushes, popular as they are, are dangerous in my opinion. And more so as they age. Those tiny wires will sometimes break off during use and stick to your grill .... unseen. Then during a cook are very susceptible to being picked up on a piece of meat without anyone recognizing it.
Now in most cases. the wires are small enough that they likely won't even be felt in one's mouth, or if they are felt it's just thought to be a hard piece of the product. But, in a worse case scenario, that tiny wire can,
AND HAS been known to lodge deep in the throat causing much infection, or worse yet travel down into the esophagus and at some point penetrate it and actually move on into one's heart or lungs. Yes, I'm painting the worst picture ever, but I'm painting it from experience. A close friend ended up with throat surgery to remove a wire that literally took weeks of agony for him before it was finally found.
Use a grill stone, or my favorite, an industrial wire brush with long, heavy wires. Much like a brush you would use to remove old paint, etc. And here's a little tip ..... when you're done with your grill, let it cool and put it away. DO NOT clean it at this point. Then next time you're to use it, start it up, get it rocket hot, then clean the grill. All the old food remaining will turn to black char and literally crack and fall off the grate with minimal rubbing with anything more than a clean kitchen rag dampened with a little cooking oil. Just fold the rag over a few times and dip it into a small bowl of oil. You'll be cleaning and oiling the grill grates at the same time, doing a much better job than cleaning right after a cook, and you'll be assured that no roaches, ants, mice or any other creature has been playing on the grates since you put it away without being cleaned. You'll know the grate is clean since they're cleaned right before you start your new cook.
Anyway, take advantage of that new grill, and know there are a few accessories available that will make that things as versatile as you can imagine. Weber Kettles are still Webers !!!