
How To Make Your Home A Hard Target

We have periodic break-ins/attempts in my area and the neighborhood bands together tokeep and eye out for each other, plus in hardening our own homes.

Anyone trying to get into my place will make alot of noise doing so, and will provide plenty of time to ready defenses.
I am a one legged man, above the knee amputee. I have the most heavily armed medical lift chair in the United States of America. I sit and sleep in this unit. No getting up quick for me to investigate. I have a prosthetic leg (my latest cost $65k ) it is not something you just "put on" although I have timed my self and can "mount up in about 18 seconds . soooo once the red light comes on , its a camera view of the perimeter( I sleep with it off as it is so bright) mount up with leg, grab trusty AR and 1911. Should the intruder penetrate my inner sanctuary, roll left or roll right in my chair I will be armed and shooting. Its a scary, dangerous world, a man has got to be ready.