
How to Sharpen a Knife

I must confess to having had a balisong addiction. I have about forty, with the majority Bali-Song, Pacific Cutlery or later as Benchmade. Before trainers were popular, we’d do like you and tape them up and practice over a bed so there wasn’t as much stooping to pick them up if they fell. Also prevented damage!
Yes sir. You learn to train smart or get so banged up you reconsider your life choices...:)

The knife culture on the Mexican side of the border was very unique. I used to go to "Quinceaneras"(young lady turning 15 and family and friends celebrating) in Mexico and there was always violence especially later in the evening after some alcohol had been consumed.

I was around some Filipino Marines when I was a Marine Grunt and they knew how to handle blades. Many of their relatives fought the Japanese in World War II. The history of the Marine term "Leatherneck" is pretty fascinating in my humble opinion(it involves blades)...Hoo-rah!...:)

I've always been pretty good about taking care of my gear. We didn't have a lot of money growing up and gear had to last because there wasn't money to replace it.

My grandpa on my mom's side who lived in Progreso Mexico. He had a sword he used when he was in the Mexican Army. He kept that thing sharp and over his bed. When he'd pick up that sword his intensity was similar to the "1000 yard stare" I witnessed in Vietnam Vets(including one of my brothers who is a Marine Vietnam Veteran).

If blades could talk, some of the stories they'd tell would be bestsellers...:)

Some people have no clue about how dangerous a person with a knife can be. There's a reason many Mexican border cops won't hesitate to shoot anyone they see reaching for a blade.

Nowadays even though I'm retired and on a fixed income, I reward myself with a blade now and then...:)

I'll always be fascinated by knives but also not be surprised over how some people get violent over stupid stuff. And most violence is over stupid stuff.
3. Work Sharp. A very nice sharpening system, can put professional edges on knives. Care and practice are the watch words here. Since it is basically a belt sander things can go south real fast if you are not careful and pay attention. Care and practice on cheap knives until you master it.
It's not time I'm not a professional knife maker nor a sharpener. I wouldn't trust myself to use any type of electric sharpening system
That's why I put the first two above it. They will do everything a novice knife owner needs done.
I am fairly simple minded but do pretty well with my Worksharp. It's great when we are butchering our way through a bunch of hogs. They tried to idiot proof it, but like Obama said, never underestimate an idiot.