
Hunting with a Suppressor

So then a suppressor and a silencer is one and the same?
And a shot is going to have what decibel level?
I have been around guns for many years and shooting not as long. I learned within the last 2 years that the word silencer and suppressor are frequently interchanged. There is a big difference in the words, but not in the action.
Silencer/suppressors do not silence firearms but reduce the noise level.

@KillerFord1977 stated, depends on the suppressor quality / caliber which raises a lot more questions for me but not now.
A really good silencer/suppressor can drop the noise level by 50dB or better…which makes them more than twice as effective as the best ear protection you can get (and assuming it is properly worn, which it almost never is).

I’ve been around a .300 Winmag suppressed, and not wearing earpro…one or two shots didn’t bother at all.
Silencer is a made up term for a made up product that only exists in the movies.

I will defer to KF and others as to tech specs but clearly they vary by manufacturer and caliber. I can tell you I have shot a 7" 300 BLK with a suppressor and it is still damn loud. The suppressor wasn't new or sleek, it was a big can about the diameter of a barrel nut/delta ring.
Silencer is a made up term for a made up product that only exists in the movies.

I will defer to KF and others as to tech specs but clearly they vary by manufacturer and caliber. I can tell you I have shot a 7" 300 BLK with a suppressor and it is still damn loud. The suppressor wasn't new or sleek, it was a big can about the diameter of a barrel nut/delta ring.
I shoot .300AAC subsonic suppressed and I would consider it hearing safe and one of the most fun rounds to shoot. I would not try .300AAC supersonic ammo suppressed without PPE myself as the Sonic crack can cause hearing damage.

It's all about the area you are shooting like when shooting indoors or near a barrier it will amplify the created sound a lot more.

The suppressor also can change the tone of the gunshot making it sound less like a gunshot.

I shoot .22lr CCI quiets through a Dead Air Mask HD suppressor and the only sound you hear is the action of the firearm I'm using and when using a bolt gun it's barely registers. I will shoot .22lr supersonic ammo without PPE and it's no louder than a kid cap gun.

Not all suppressors are created equal and I'd advise anyone in the market for one to do their homework because there is a lot to learn if you want the best for whatever application your intending its use such as the actual decibel reduction, first round pop potential, and POI shift.

Price doesn't always equate to the best suppressor but I wouldn't go cheap either.

Here's a link to the exact suppressor I use on .300AAC rifles & pistols where the guy in the video is shooting subsonic ammo.

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Silencer is a made up term for a made up product that only exists in the movies.

I will defer to KF and others as to tech specs but clearly they vary by manufacturer and caliber. I can tell you I have shot a 7" 300 BLK with a suppressor and it is still damn loud. The suppressor wasn't new or sleek, it was a big can about the diameter of a barrel nut/delta ring.
Actually, its been around a bit longer.
Ever try an Elite Iron can? Nothing but the firing pin with subs and a bolt rifle.
*heres one with supers
I have an elite iron Sierra on my 338 LM Christensen MPR. It’sa little on the heavier side but it’sa great can.

I hunt with a thunder beast ultra 9 on several different rifles from 223 to 300 WM. I wouldn’t want to hunt without one anymore.


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