
I must be catching Old_Me's habits ...

I was able to sleep through the night up until the time I had to care for my wife and her ALS. For 2.5 years, I would put her to bed by 10 PM, do my night routine and be in bed by 11PM. I would have to get up at 3 AM to change her diaper, clean her up, give her medications, etc. I would have her out of bed and in her wheelchair by 9 AM for more pills and to get the food pump running. Since she has passed, I have not been able to shake that sleep schedule. Fortunately, I do not get sleepy during the day so I guess it is the new normal.
As a kid , from the time I was big enough to help with the animals , I was getting up at 4AM . I did that through my working years also except for the times I had to work night shift.

Since I no longer work , nor do I have animals to look after , I normally get up around 8 - 8:30 AM and go to bed around 12:30 AM. If I have an early appointment , I go to bed earlier and get up earlier. It sucks because I have to do a breathing treatment 1st thing after the potty trip . The breathing treatment takes about 35 - 40 minutes .
Twelve hour swing shifts when I was working security has ruined me for sleep. I suppose I manage some or I would be psychotic. Nowadays I am up at 3:15AM on work days, which are most days. Ten hour shifts. I’m told I can sleep when I’m dead. 🙄
I'll probably be late or not even show up for my funeral. My sleep schedule is dictated by my neck. Not an age thing, just my head getting stopped by the windshield.
No matter what time I go to bed, it's several hours of lying there awake watching the ceiling before sleep. Then usually wake back up several times to go to the bathroom to pee. Usually when I get there find I already have.... and the list goes on! (y);)
you ever see your ceiling move..???

The longer you look, the more your brain will start to try to converge the image from both eyes to stitch those images into one image. As it tries to aim each eye, it will have them hunting back and forth to try to properly overlay the area seen by both eyes. This can result in the moving ceiling sensation.Nov 29, 2020
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Twelve hour swing shifts when I was working security has ruined me for sleep. I suppose I manage some or I would be psychotic. Nowadays I am up at 3:15AM on work days, which are most days. Ten hour shifts. I’m told I can sleep when I’m dead. 🙄
i tell people that tell me, i will sleep when i am dead....."you wanna join me"..???

somehow, that subject gets changed really freaking quick.........

think about it next time someone tells you, that you will sleep when you're dead........make sure the door is open, for them to run......
As I’ve gotten older and most recently retired I definitely don’t sleep well through the night and usually wake up multiple times between 1-4am and most times I just get up around that 4am time
and have my morning coffee.
I did realize lately that I enjoy my morning coffee so much that I can’t wait to get up and have it.
Definitely my morning me time.