
I must be crazy

Belt Fed

Yep, been hit in the head too many times. it's 97 and humid as all get out and ole stupid me decides to go shootin after lunch. So i load up the 8000 pound range bag and head across the street.

First up was the 9mm SBR, it had a red dot on it and it was sighted in, so i decide to try the Obsidian silencer on it. just now can use it cause i got in the fixed barrel spacer for it yesterday. so i screw it on there and shoot. bullet hits way off. they were hitting all over the place. I thought ok maybe i need to use the silencer in it's shorter form.

So i take it off and walk by old dilapidated butt back to the house. about a 300 yard walk in 97 degrees. so i vise it up and take the section off and walk back to the range with the short version. no better, still hitting all over and i done moved the knobs on this dot back and forth til i was blue in the face.

I'm thinkin well crap, i done hit a baffle and screwed it up, so i take it off and try without it. same thing. ok so i flip the sights up and look through the dot with them and the dot turned off and fire two rounds. almost the same hole. i take the dot off and put the can back on and everything is all good. i did have to move the irons to get it right but once set it was good to go. i spent nearly two hours fooling with it. was soaking wet. Guess the red dot done bought the farm.

Shot at 20 yards on my tree i lean on.

The second gun was a Ruger SR40. i always liked this gun. leanin against my tree at 10 yards.

The third one was a Girsan 1911 10mm, now to be honest i didn't do well with it. i have shot it much better but after the first target i just went mad dog and shot pretty fast. the heat had done drained my ancient backside and i was ready to go home. i knew i still had to clean that crap up . Shot 400 rounds between the three of them, most on the SBR

I also know i could waited til tomorrow to clean up but my OCD would never let that happen. any way i done cleaned them up washed my wrinkled ole body in the shower and sittin here typin while a fan blows my long grey locks around. Be nice to have some of that iced tea in them fancy bottles and then thar fancy tea glasses some of you be drinkin.










yup, you IS crazy....

i am staying home today, but i will go to the club tuesday morning...when i get there.??

1) the a/c gets cranked up

2) i sit and wait till i see frost on the observation glass

3) i go and set up my stuff at the port.

4) i sit down in the shooting area

5) i wait for the a/c to overcome my body heat

6) i start shooting

7) i clean up my mess

8) i sit down and cool off

9) i exit the shooting area

10) i shut down the a/c system

11) i walk out the building and swear like a drunken person cuz it's so damn hot and muggy outside, and i shoulda took more ammo, to stay longer.

so i know how not to be crazy.........just think ahead better........... :unsure:
My shooting range is the back porch and I aint going out there. Even retired I have enough that I have to do outside even when it's hot. Now an ice storm/freezing rain, just sand the porch really good and knock the ice off the gun once and a while ;) I'm tired of summer already bring on the snow. I won't be saying that come Jan.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
My shooting range is the back porch and I aint going out there. Even retired I have enough that I have to do outside even when it's hot. Now an ice storm/freezing rain, just sand the porch really good and knock the ice off the gun once and a while ;) I'm tired of summer already bring on the snow. I won't be saying that come Jan.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
yeah that's funny about the weather.

blizzards and ice, we want the summer.

heat and humidity, we want cooler weather.


i hate summer, winter, fall, and spring.

i wanna live in a bio-dome.
The wife and I shot a match Saturday and stopped after 5 stages due to the heat. The beer was ice cold later as we rehydrated. Ammo is tested at matches and is getting better and the Range Officer I picked up has worked very nicely. I'm not sure what springs are in it, but if it works, don't fix it.