
I need a distraction

I hear ya. Sees like everywhere you turn the political BS is jumping right in your face. I'm sick of hearing it.
One of my favorite humor sites has all but been taken over by political memes. Not funny ones either. Mostly out raged liberals. I'm talkin' dead serious end of democracy orange man bad stuff. They've taken all the fun right out of it. I'm so sick of this ****. 🤬
I'm tired of it too and wish the election was over, but i fear the anger and violence is only going to get worse as time gets closer. too much at stake here. One side wants freedom and things like they used to be, one side wants communism and socialism. no in between. whoever wins will determine which way we go.
I have gotten to the point say last few elections I unplug. I read each stance then basically turn off any political news. Which basically means no TV or radio news, otherwise they sneak stuff in. Not having live TV helps tremendously as does FF thru commercials.

Obviously it's not possible to miss everything but I do pretty good at the general bickering and vitriol.

Add to that elections are generally in fall, I have hunting, hiking and camping to help recharge.
agree with Bass, states are refusing EOs, so who runs the house, senate and the state legislatures/governorships matter. A whole lot. Plus, the FED is going to start a round of rate cuts, and, our national debt is beyond repayment. I'd save up your money/invest it wisely rather than worry about who occupies the oval office.
I hate to say it but Harris is going to win the election, as soon as Trump said in the debate that immigrants are eating people’s cats and dogs in Ohio he lost.
The man is a moronic idiot.
Quite possibly. But remember that he won in 2016 not because people liked him, but because they really hated Clinton. They didn't vote for Trump, but against Clinton.
Same strategy could work here as well.
Way I figure it, after a lifetime of arguments over politics, is it boils down to this: You can start a grass roots movement, you can run for office, you can be a lobbyist and you can vote. That is about it. My involvement in the system goes as far as voting and not beyond, so if I am not going to be any more involved than that it is not worth getting worked up about. I read enough to know who I am going to vote for and my life is simple.
Quite possibly. But remember that he won in 2016 not because people liked him, but because they really hated Clinton. They didn't vote for Trump, but against Clinton.
Same strategy could work here as well.
Look I get that ALL politicians lie to get the vote but to say something like that that is blatantly untrue and so outrageous is for me beyond words.