
I need a distraction

Look I get that ALL politicians lie to get the vote but to say something like that that is blatantly untrue and so outrageous is for me beyond words.
Except there actually is evidence of it happening. I’m sure it’s being overblown but it sure isn’t as blatantly untrue as “ Kamala wasn’t the border czar” or “ Kamala isn’t going to try to ban guns”.

As a matter of fact I had a long conversation this morning with my friend Jerry. He’s a lefty, militant union Republican hating TDS sufferer. He thinks the democrats are conservatives. He watched the debate. Now while Jerry is all those things one thing he isn’t is stupid or naive and he doesn’t just blindly toe party lines. While he was quick to point out Trump is a blundering buffoon and talks out his ass, he was actually more concerned with the way the debate was moderated. I can tell you this much. He’s not voting for Harris because at a minimum he’s smart enough to realize things were better under Trump. Even if Trump does spout every ridiculous conspiracy he reads on Twitter as if it were fact.
So much for this thread offering a distraction for @HayesGreener from politics. His intent was to get away from it.. y’all shoveled it right in

Hayes.. go out to your shop and start working on the designs for that nice table you’ve been planning .

So much for this thread offering a distraction for @HayesGreener from politics. His intent was to get away from it.. y’all shoveled it right in

Hayes.. go out to your shop and start working on the designs for that nice table you’ve been planning .

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If I go out there and whack my hand with a large mallet it may get me in the right frame of mind for the 6 O'Clock news! 😉
ok....no "y's on those days either.....

so i guess, no window washings..??
Just as well… can’t get window washing done while napping. See, laundry is different. Put it in the washer and start it. You now have an hour to nap. Then put it in the dryer and guess what? Yup, another hour of napping. I know how you operate.
You’re fired!
Look I get that ALL politicians lie to get the vote but to say something like that that is blatantly untrue and so outrageous is for me beyond words.
You can think that if you want, but I never have liked Trump. I voted against Hillary. And I know a lot of other people who will say the same thing. Ask around, you may be surprised. ;)