
i thought the state of TN was gun friendly.??

Never seen that movie ? With Peter Falk (Columbo) & Andre the giant ? Clearly you sir, do productive things w/ your time! Like sending lead down range.. ( is my jealousy showing again ? Dang it! it came untucked !! ) when our daughter was little she ‘made’ me watch it w/ her & then it became our bonding thing - she’s in college now but will still sit down w/me when she check the idiot box sched & we laugh over the silliness of it. Some nerve she had growing up, little snot.
Oh good lord. There was a time I could quote the Lion King word for word song for song down to the bleeping credits. The boy, his Mrs., and granddaughter lived with us. She watched that over, and over and over, not a bad movie but after the first 3-4 thousand times, it begins to get on your nerves.
Negative, I saw the film years ago. It's just not the type of project that lends to recalling dialogue, if you take my meaning.
I hear ya- different strokes- plus not all of us have a cool wizard stick to help my tiny simple brain cells to remember stuff.. where DID I have leave my readers & my phone.. oh .. never mind .. see why I need simple stuff ?
Oh good lord. There was a time I could quote the Lion King word for word song for song down to the bleeping credits. The boy, his Mrs., and granddaughter lived with us. She watched that over, and over and over, not a bad movie but after the first 3-4 thousand times, it begins to get on your nerves.
Sooo.. kinda sounds like a ‘circle of life’ dealio ?? Too hard to resist 😸