
Idiots Rule


Founding Member

Overweight Ford F-750 Plunges Through Historic Wooden Bridge in Maine​

Posted weight limits were possibly ignored as the driver drove straight through ... and into the river.

Well I'll bet that was exciting for a moment or two. Sad part is some educated moron will now decide the bridge has to go. Must be ten years now and about 100 miles north MDOT decided that another historic bridge wasn't centered with the road. So, regrade and pave the road right, NOPE. Move the bridge! o_O OfCourse had to rip down the old one.
I made a very good living for many years because people are fundamentally stupid🙄. Remember, when you see all those warning labels (like “do not drink contents” on a battery), it’s because some moron, somewhere DID😳. The Industrial Hygienist who worked for me was always on the lookout for “stupid stickers”, and we got a lot of yucks out of them (caution-contents may be hot” on a coffee cup?). Remember, ignorant you can fix with education. Stupid, you can’t do anything with.😊
I made a very good living for many years because people are fundamentally stupid🙄. Remember, when you see all those warning labels (like “do not drink contents” on a battery), it’s because some moron, somewhere DID😳. The Industrial Hygienist who worked for me was always on the lookout for “stupid stickers”, and we got a lot of yucks out of them (caution-contents may be hot” on a coffee cup?). Remember, ignorant you can fix with education. Stupid, you can’t do anything with.😊
also these days, there are many "internet challenges"........

like eating a Tide Pod, eating a spoonful of cinnamon, etc,etc.

i think they are funny. stupidly funny that is.