
Illegals with criminal convictions in the U.S.

That doesn't include the "known got aways", of 1.7 Million so far.

The huge number of gotaways — defined as those who have been spotted by agents or via video cameras but not caught — is higher than the 1.4 million recorded in the entire decade from 2010 to 2020, according to the shocking statistics.


It's been happening for more than 3 years. Some states have gone so far in their 'sanctuary policies' as to impose financial penalties on individual LE officers for communication with ICE on in-custody illegals with detainers. 50K out of a cops pocket is quite a deterrent not to let the feds know.
this should be in every political commercial 50 times a day
It should not only be in political ads, but it should also be a major news story on every outlet. Sadly, one side of the political spectrum (whom the commercial media is allied with) doesn't want this information out. That would damage their drive to consolidate and increase their power should the "folks" become wise to it.

This "win at all costs" strategy the Marxist-Democrats are operating under excuses the outright lies attributed to their candidates. It also is the justification for attempts to assassinate their opponent. They have demonstrated their willingness to quite literally stop at nothing in their lust for power and control.

Everyone who doesn't agree with them and wants this evil stopped MUST vote in this election. To not participate in the process and voice your opposition to this evil is to approve of it. To paraphrase DJT, "GET OFF YOUR ASS AND VOTE"!
It should not only be in political ads, but it should also be a major news story on every outlet. Sadly, one side of the political spectrum (whom the commercial media is allied with) doesn't want this information out. That would damage their drive to consolidate and increase their power should the "folks" become wise to it.

This "win at all costs" strategy the Marxist-Democrats are operating under excuses the outright lies attributed to their candidates. It also is the justification for attempts to assassinate their opponent. They have demonstrated their willingness to quite literally stop at nothing in their lust for power and control.

Everyone who doesn't agree with them and wants this evil stopped MUST vote in this election. To not participate in the process and voice your opposition to this evil is to approve of it. To paraphrase DJT, "GET OFF YOUR ASS AND VOTE"!
I checked on the cnn sight this morning and this story wasn’t there. If it was it was buried real deep.