
Illinois Ruling… A sign of things to come?




I found this interesting…

“Simply possessing a state firearm owner’s identification card “does not entail any kind of firearms training or qualification in furtherance of public safety,” which is required for the exempted groups, the court ruled.”

I found this interesting…

“Simply possessing a state firearm owner’s identification card “does not entail any kind of firearms training or qualification in furtherance of public safety,” which is required for the exempted groups, the court ruled.”
Illinois supreme ct is bought and paid for. The actual SCOTUS will strike it down. Eventually.
Illinois Ruling - A sign of things to come….

Yes, one day it’s their plan, to have every state high court seated with a liberal majority judiciary …having the IL Supreme Court judicial campaigns funded with $3 million of seed money and in turn obligated opinions paid for by an ignorant, clueless, wealthy and conniving governor who seen nothing wrong with stiffing the county out of a few thousand dollars in real estate taxes for one of his mansions in rehab, all the while once caught on wiretap finagling a way to enter politics over the phone with a past corrupt governor.

Ruling comes on the same day The #2 “We did it Joe” maroon comes to town to push the gun control agenda - how convenient and circumstantial. mmmm-hmmmmm.
I hope someone goes after those two women judges who should have recused themselves but didn't. In fact the judge who wrote the opinion took down her twitter postings because they showed her standing with " moms demand action " activists and campaigning for Pritzker.

However screen shots were taken before the delete happened. ;)
This was not a surprise no one expected the Illinois Supreme Court to rule against the state and Humpty Dumpty. At least they made their ruling so now it can go up to the actual Supreme Court of the US. The ruling was 4-3 and one of the judges that received the million dollar donation actually ruled against the ban which I found to be interesting. But the state is so corrupt nothing surprises me anymore.
I hope SCOTUS rips them a new one but I fear they’re not going to do anything other than send it back to the state again.

I still don’t understand how they ignore previous cases like Heller and Bruen and it still flies past state Supreme Court.
I'm pretty sure I've said this before, we lost this War when we let the left take over our public school system.

They're not going to try to confiscate our guns. They're going to wait 10 or 20 years until we all die off and then they're going to ask our kids and our grandkids who have been indoctrinated since kindergarten that guns are evil to please turn them in for the greater good and they will do it.

By the time that happens all the old cops that believe in the Constitution will have retired and then they'll send the new and improved WOKE robocops after the last few holds out.

That's how it's going to play out
I'm pretty sure I've said this before, we lost this War when we let the left take over our public school system.

They're not going to try to confiscate our guns. They're going to wait 10 or 20 years until we all die off and then they're going to ask our kids and our grandkids who have been indoctrinated since kindergarten that guns are evil to please turn them in for the greater good and they will do it.

By the time that happens all the old cops that believe in the Constitution will have retired and then they'll send the new and improved WOKE robocops after the last few holds out.

That's how it's going to play out
That's exactly why you have to tell your kids or grandkids not to buy into all this woke crap they're trying to force down their throats. Stick to your beliefs don't let others tell you what's wrong or right.