

Yes, he did this in January and there are legal challenges currently going on. This Governor is the worst unfortunately the City of Chicago and Cook County make the laws and elect these officials for the entire state when most of us do not agree with their policies. Another reason why so many are leaving this state.
It will of course not stop any of the horsehockey they say that it will. The folks who commit these crimes could give a rats ****** about any of the laws in the first flipping place. They are already breaking older more established laws doing the crimes, yet they continue to plea bargain many away and give them little or no jail time.
Many people think this is just an " assault weapon " ban. It is not. It covers a little bit of everything up to and including standard .22 pistols. Even some models of the remington 1100 shotgun are banned. I think it is the Turkey model with a thumb hole grip is banned. Way to many to list.

This law even makes it impossible to buy a detent spring the way it is worded.

BAD , BAD , BAD!!!! That's all I got to say about that. :mad:
How in any way, shape or form can you ignore the fact that the majority of serious crime. Including guns. Happens in Chicago and cook county. That is not being addressed, but removing firearms from the rest of the state is the answer. To me this looks like 1939 all over again.I just know that this is coming on a national level.
Clown Show Illinois.
The biggest little known IL governor has multiple residences in IL and WI, and then there’s his FL lockdown escape compound.
I think at least FL should impose some sort of gas tax/gas emission tax or all out ban on his travels there. If he can impede, limit and infringe the IL citizens freedoms, then FL should reciprocate.

We in IL have become a State that actually competes with other Leftie regimes for who can out-do the other, from the Original Ban Everything State CA, all the way to to NJ/NY.
Probably some intersate wager between governors as to get to 300 weapons on The List gets to name the next Ban and a noodle-arm Hogg T-shirt.
Lets see what they go after next, there’s ammo, ammo sales, ammo caliber, ammo design, etc.

As these gun bans become more and more widespread, at least some effort is being made to get the products out. I seen this advisory on the KelTec site:
“Until further legal notice, we will prioritize & ship all magazine and firearm orders to Oregon.”
Our state is the laughing stock of the country. This fat b@stard kept everyone locked up during the "scamdemic" Ran numerous business into the ground. Caused the ruin of an entire generation of kids education. On the heels of all this, the state re-elected this POS Just so he could turn around and **** on our rights.
I saw on today's news.That The governor of Illinois. Has made 170 separate firearms illegal in the state of Illinois.170 and counting is how it was put. Of course, this will all be in litigation.
This law is basically the AWB of 94 but with the exception that it bans by type and description and by name.
We lost ability to have any 50 cal centerfire cartridge or firearm.
Then we're limited in pistol mags to 15 rounds and rifles to 10. No exceptions for 22s . Then the icing on the cake is mandatory registration with the state police of all weapons and mags. This jag-bag is determined to ruin Illinois. Taxing everything and anything possible. Businesses leaving left and right. Yeah, we're doomed
Just when ya think it can't possibly get any nuttier in Chicago. Thís comes out. A new bill is in the works. Beginning July1 2024.Due to a 35%increase in crime.Banks,gas stations,grocery stores,pawn shops.Must provide at least 1 armed guard to protect the businesses from crime. Each business will of course be required to pay the cost of the armed guard, Now tell me.Is this gonna open up a can of worms or what. can you say "Liability"? The mayor it seems feels the retail stores, Banks etc. Need to step up and lower the crime rate!
Just when ya think it can't possibly get any nuttier in Chicago. Thís comes out. A new bill is in the works. Beginning July1 2024.Due to a 35%increase in crime.Banks,gas stations,grocery stores,pawn shops.Must provide at least 1 armed guard to protect the businesses from crime. Each business will of course be required to pay the cost of the armed guard, Now tell me.Is this gonna open up a can of worms or what. can you say "Liability"? The mayor it seems feels the retail stores, Banks etc. Need to step up and lower the crime rate!
Chicago doesn't need armed security it needs Batman. Glad to see the defund the Police strategy is paying dividends.
Exactly it's just the liberal politician's way of making it look like they're actually doing something instead of focusing on the root cause of the crime itself.
Can't blame the bad guy. Not until they figure out how to let people vote from prison and jail. That's their voter base.