
Impact of Trump ‘Gender Ideology’ Order on Firearm Transactions to Be Determined

Could there be be another change to the form 4473, shouldn’t have been changed in the first place just to add that DEI crap…..

Because of the seemingly huge push in Portland, OR for LGBTQx rights, I looked up the definitions so I knew who was supposed to be what in "their" eyes. The funny thing is that non-binary has nothing to do with the aforementioned alphabet soup. I therefore questioned why the alphabet soup wasn't included on passport applications and the beloved 4473. Where I get lost is if you're born male, and transition to female, then have sex with a male, doesn't that just make you gay? I mean, it's still a guy plowing a guy, right? :unsure:
No, that should leave on there and folks who check anything other than male or female are then denied from making a gun purchase. And if a trans person does check male or female and it can be determined that they lied on the 4473 then they should face charges for posting false information. I know this won't happen but it would serve them right.

Yes, common sense, science, God's creation plan, and the Constitution should prevail but we don't live in a perfect world. It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out.

Isn't there a nonspecific "I'd rather not say" kind of box for race? Maybe use the same thing for gender? Would that make everyone happy? Or can we just use a box labeled LBGTQ+ to cover the whole "spectrum"?

Whatta mess. Jesus, return quickly!

Thank you for your indulgence,


Yes, common sense, science, God's creation plan, and the Constitution should prevail but we don't live in a perfect world. It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out.

Isn't there a nonspecific "I'd rather not say" kind of box for race? Maybe use the same thing for gender? Would that make everyone happy? Or can we just use a box labeled LBGTQ+ to cover the whole "spectrum"?

Whatta mess. Jesus, return quickly!

Thank you for your indulgence,

Sir, with respect, that's LGBTQIA+ATF
I’m still not even sure what non-binary means. :unsure:
no body is sure

binary is either a 1 or a 0
1 being an outtie and 0 being an innie i assume
so if your non binary ...logic would say you have neither an outtie or an innie...you know a ken or barbie
therefore...you are not a possible person to procreate and your kind will die off like a bad weed so to speak?
i guess
If the Bill of Rights - including the 2A - are inalienable rights given by God - I.e. all have a God given right to firearms for self defense -

I really could care less what box an individual checks on a form most of us probably believe should not exist anyway.

This country has bigger issues than a gender box choice on a government form. Time and energy could be spent on other, more pressing issues/concerns. (% of fed debt going toward interest; Housing/building crisis, drug costs, drug addiction/deaths, Healthcare/insurance issues, infrastructure, cost of living, etc.)

I don't understand the whole "non-binary", pronoun, gender identity stuff - and also, I don't care. How one wants to identify does not affect me. I know my own identity and that's all I need.

(If the form has to exist - I have a very Libertarian view of looking at it.)