That's still not the same as what Trump is alleged to have done. I have no doubt Biden's son only got on the board because of who his dad is and that that is a problem, but that isn't the question. The question is why Biden twisted Ukraine's arm into firing a prosecutor. The evidence shows KEEPING the prosecutor would have been better for Burisma, and by extension Biden's son. There simply isn't any evidence that Biden got Ukraine to get rid of the prosecutor to help himself or his son. Without that connection what Biden did is not the same as what Trump is alleged (I should say "was alleged" now that he's been acquitted) to have done. Of course, reasonable minds can differ.
I'll watch that video when I get off work today.
What a colossal waste of time. They should have focused there efforts on something a bit more constructive.
Very nice....jealous now....I may have to go buy something....Well, as stated previously in this thread, today was Gun shopping day or #3 x 4.5. Yes, that's correct, I bought 4 "firearms" requiring FFL paperwork, and 1 (that I counted as .5), that did not. I bought a CCA-Roni for my Glock G19 Gen 4 from Classic Firearms (they're also having a sale today for several of the Springfield Armory XDnn pistols). Two PSA complete lowers (AR15 & AR9) for complete uppers currently without a home& a Beretta APX 9mm compact double stack and Walther CCP M2 9mm compact single stack. Congrats to President Trump who looks to be acquitted, and to me for my new purchases.
Pics of APX and CCP attached.View attachment 1709View attachment 1710
I haven't seen that but I'll look for it. Yes, that is shady. It is also very similar to what happened for Ivanka suddenly getting a bunch of trademarks from China shortly after the 2016 election. China has granted 34 total trademarks ever, over half of those to Trump and his kids since the election. While Biden and Trump might not have both done the same stuff, I think we can agree both their kids have gotten some very questionable benefits from their dads' positions of power. I don't think either Biden or Trump are responsible for the muck their kids get into, though.There's also the $1B USD business deal(s) Bidens's son got right after catching a ride to China with dad on Air Force 2.
I agree!Very nice....jealous now....I may have to go buy something....![]()
Agreed benstt. I'm not naive to think this doesn't happen on both sides of the aisle. I'm sure republicans have gotten family members cushy jobs that they had no experience in obtaining if they were Joe Blow. It's my opinion that Hillary Clinton set up her server(s) in her NY home for one reason and that was to shield her "Pay to Play" requests that then were funneled and cleaned through the Clinton foundation (and isn't curious that after her defeat, that foundation has substantially dried up with any new significant contributions coming in). One report that was disturbing was purportedly one email that was hacked had Hillary discussing how an Iranian nuclear scientist that originally defected, became homesick for his family. The cover story that was created for his return, was that he was kidnapped and subsequently released by the US. After her server was hacked, that scientist was executed. In my opinion, she broke federal law by housing a government server, unsecured offsite. She was never charged and I wonder if I wouldn't be charged if I waved my legally carried firearm inside a federal courthouse (I don't think soHe definitely should have made that public and done something about it back in 2015. That was inexcusable.
Times a wasting AnnihilatorVery nice....jealous now....I may have to go buy something....![]()
Funny, I saw a S&W 500 revolver sitting in the case end of December & it was a potential for today. Who would of thought that a month later it would have been sold. Oh well, with the savings of that one gun I was able to buy 2 there at the LSGNice! Congrats!
I picked up a very nice CZ 452 that I was watching on a LGS rack for 5 months. Surprised someone didn't grab it but I guess we were ment for each other.
I think you're right, neither side is clean. You're also right about going into a federal courthouse. I had to run into one on the way to a hunting trip once and was wearing my hunting jacket. Because it was on my mind, I asked one of the federal marshals what would happen to a person who accidentally brought a knife into the place. their response was "it would be very bad for them." Yeah, bringing a firearm would get you in some very hot water.Agreed benstt. I'm not naive to think this doesn't happen on both sides of the aisle. I'm sure republicans have gotten family members cushy jobs that they had no experience in obtaining if they were Joe Blow. It's my opinion that Hillary Clinton set up her server(s) in her NY home for one reason and that was to shield her "Pay to Play" requests that then were funneled and cleaned through the Clinton foundation (and isn't curious that after her defeat, that foundation has substantially dried up with any new significant contributions coming in). One report that was disturbing was purportedly one email that was hacked had Hillary discussing how an Iranian nuclear scientist that originally defected, became homesick for his family. The cover story that was created for his return, was that he was kidnapped and subsequently released by the US. After her server was hacked, that scientist was executed. In my opinion, she broke federal law by housing a government server, unsecured offsite. She was never charged and I wonder if I wouldn't be charged if I waved my legally carried firearm inside a federal courthouse (I don't think so). But as I said, these things happen on both sides. I was a teenager during the Nixon presidency and was 100% for impeachment for the violations he and his administration committed. He was told by his own party after being impeached in the house, that he would be found guilty and aught to resign, which is what he did. Fortunately his crooked VP had resigned prior and his replacement Gerald Ford assumed the Presidency upon Nixon's resignation. I tend to see things in black and white, fair or unfair, and it burns be up when our government (either side) does something unjust. OK, Rant over, but thank you for listening.
I haven't seen that but I'll look for it. Yes, that is shady. It is also very similar to what happened for Ivanka suddenly getting a bunch of trademarks from China shortly after the 2016 election. China has granted 34 total trademarks ever, over half of those to Trump and his kids since the election. While Biden and Trump might not have both done the same stuff, I think we can agree both their kids have gotten some very questionable benefits from their dads' positions of power. I don't think either Biden or Trump are responsible for the muck their kids get into, though.
I think you're right, neither side is clean. You're also right about going into a federal courthouse. I had to run into one on the way to a hunting trip once and was wearing my hunting jacket. Because it was on my mind, I asked one of the federal marshals what would happen to a person who accidentally brought a knife into the place. their response was "it would be very bad for them." Yeah, bringing a firearm would get you in some very hot water.
If convicted, I'd be a felon and lose my constitutional 2A right.I think you're right, neither side is clean. You're also right about going into a federal courthouse. I had to run into one on the way to a hunting trip once and was wearing my hunting jacket. Because it was on my mind, I asked one of the federal marshals what would happen to a person who accidentally brought a knife into the place. their response was "it would be very bad for them." Yeah, bringing a firearm would get you in some very hot water.
That's new information to me, and good to know. I did not know she had put it into trusts. Good on her, I appreciate seeing the ethics.Wall Street Journal
Trump, Ivanka and her husband have put their business interests in a trust while Trump is in office, and the three aren't accepting a govt salary.
His two sons are running the business and aren't doing any international business during their fathers term(s). They have reported that Trump Int has lost $$ as a result.
In comparison the Clinton fund accepted hundreds of millions of USD while she was Sec of State & while she was running for POTUS. Those "donations" dried up almost immediately when she lost. ???
We can agree to disagree.
Yeah, don't do thatIf convicted, I'd be a felon and lose my constitutional 2A right.
Is that what your significant other is trying to tell you?Shops are all closed right now..........![]()
Love me the hand cannons. I have a Ruger 454 Casull and my hands took a beating just shooting 20 rounds, but it was fun.Had one when they first came out, the 8 3/4” barrel, loaded 5 rounds, shot one round, unloaded revolver, put it away, hasn’t been shot