
Impressions on HK VP40



I went to gravel pit this morning to shoot M&P 40 and my Shield 40. I have concluded that the Shield 40 has to go, just too snappy for these old hands. I was thinking of a bigger 40 cal and the HK came to mind. Wondering if anyone here has one and what they think about it. This would be my first HK firearm. All thought would be appreciated. Thanks
Best .40 platform I've ever shot was a Sig P229. Handles the round like a dream. And you could find a used one for probably less than a new VP40 (which are overpriced, imo).

Why not just stick with your M&P if your main motivation is to have a larger 40? Sounds like you already have one, no?
Best .40 platform I've ever shot was a Sig P229. Handles the round like a dream. And you could find a used one for probably less than a new VP40 (which are overpriced, imo).

Why not just stick with your M&P if your main motivation is to have a larger 40? Sounds like you already have one, no?
Best .40 I’ve run are HK USP’s, both full-size & compact…the P229 would be next.

And you can get non-OR VP’s for the $600 or so range new; there was a HK rebate a month or two back for 3 magazines…I’ve seen used VP40’s around $450-500. You could get a police surplus P229 for less than that, but not much less…

And having owned & run both…the VP series us a much better handgun than the M&P; better trigger, better ergos.
Best .40 I’ve run are HK USP’s, both full-size & compact…the P229 would be next.

Yup - USPs are the other excellent .40 platform for sure. Can't really go wrong either way.

And you can get non-OR VP’s for the $600 or so range new; there was a HK rebate a month or two back for 3 magazines…I’ve seen used VP40’s around $450-500. You could get a police surplus P229 for less than that, but not much less…

And having owned & run both…the VP series us a much better handgun than the M&P; better trigger, better ergos.

Didn't know about the rebate, and I was just talking about new MSRP prices, but of course if you can find one used it's going to be a much better deal. I've owned both as well (and 2 VP9s), and no doubt the VP40 is the better gun, I just think it's a $500 gun, not a $700-$800 gun, which is what I've been seeing for current prices. Still, given a choice between a used P229 .40 for $500 or a used VP40 for $500, I'd take the former any day. But I readily admit that I just don't get all that excited about polymer striker pistols in general these days.
While the M&P and 229 were made for the 40 and the VP 40 has a slightly heavier and wider slide than a VP9 and all handle it well the best polymer 40 cal (to me anyway) is the USP 40 it was designed from the ground up around the 40 and fairest better than any 40 an any agency tests it was in. Cost kept it out of most agencies. I’m sure the VP40 would be just as durable

I will also add the US Border Patrol and Customs were very pleased with their HK P2000 40 cal pistols they used from 2002 ish til around 2018. They held up pretty good as well
Best .40 platform I've ever shot was a Sig P229. Handles the round like a dream. And you could find a used one for probably less than a new VP40 (which are overpriced, imo).

Why not just stick with your M&P if your main motivation is to have a larger 40? Sounds like you already have one, no?
I agree about the Sig P229. I owned one in 40 and shot one in 357 Sig.

A Steyr in 40 S&W was a close second to my favorite platform to shoot 40.
I just don't shoot Glocks well.

Glocks are an acquired taste. The new Gen 5 Gkocksnin 40 cal actually have a wider and heavier slide. I wondered how they did it going back to 2 pins instead of 3 (first ones had frame crack issues when California Highway Patrol tested them and went to S&W 4006 in 1990 so Glocks “upgrade was adding a 3rd pin and recommending recoil spring replacement at like 1,500 rounds)

30 years later their “perfection” was to widen the slide from 1.0” to 1.08” and add 3 Oz

Supposedly the Gen 5’s handle the 40 better. Personally it seems to little to late unless there is another Miami event and the pendulum swings back as it’s back to two camps the huge 9mm village and some 45 communities

40 is not a bad round just isn’t as cool for some right now
The VP40 reminds me of the Walther PPQ M2 .40 S&W.