Indiana House votes to eliminate license to carry a handgun in state
The Indiana House voted Monday to eliminate the license to carry a handgun in the state -- an apparent victory, at least temporary, for supporters of Second Amendment gun rights.
Yep, KY is also Constitutional Carry, and the drive for me to apply and get my CCDW was so that I could legally carry when visiting family in Indiana, and also Florida.WV has it already and my state Ohio is planning on it also, but, you still will have to have a license to carry out of your state that has reprocity with your state, meaning if you live in Ohio and you don’t need one to carry, but you go to say PA, which requires a license, you will need a license to carry there.
Currently, Indiana is one of the most free states regarding the right to keep and bear arms. If this passes, Indiana may just become the most free states in the union!!!