
Indiana To Possibly Eliminate Handgun Licensing

WV has it already and my state Ohio is planning on it also, but, you still will have to have a license to carry out of your state that has reprocity with your state, meaning if you live in Ohio and you don’t need one to carry, but you go to say PA, which requires a license, you will need a license to carry there.
WV has it already and my state Ohio is planning on it also, but, you still will have to have a license to carry out of your state that has reprocity with your state, meaning if you live in Ohio and you don’t need one to carry, but you go to say PA, which requires a license, you will need a license to carry there.
Yep, KY is also Constitutional Carry, and the drive for me to apply and get my CCDW was so that I could legally carry when visiting family in Indiana, and also Florida.
Is another good 1st step for another issue that shouldn't be one at all.
Another important thing to contend with for states is revenues normally collected from those permits?
Those collected fees are generally used for a variety of things such as police cadet training and other usually firearm related concerns. If goes into general fund, who knows? Isn't quite as easy as just saying no today and yes tomorrow.