
Insurance Company’s for your Firearms?

I have a separate policy not attached to our homeowners insurance. Both through State Farm. My agent is a firearms owner and I've shot with him at a local range - also in a graduate level active fraternity with him. I know and trust he is looking out for our best interests.

We discussed and he presented that it would be better to have a separate policy for personal property for the firearms. I'm in the mid to upper 30s on number. I keep my inventory on a spreadsheet w/ serial numbers and descriptions/models, etc.
Yeah, I had a firearms policy a while back, but let it lapse and just let everything fall under my regular homeowner’s insurance.
Big mistake—it didn’t cover anywhere near the value of my collection. After realizing that, I figured it was time to look into something more specific. Ended up going with Lucky Penny Insurance, and it’s been a lot less stressful knowing my guns are properly covered.