M1014. Possibly agreed ( I haven't gotten that one yet, but I will). Followed closely by the Beretta 1301T and maybe that new Mossberg JM Pro.
The other major issue I have with box mag fed shotguns is that capacity is actually less than even basic tube fed shotguns. Unless you want a 20 round mag or drum sticking out of the bottom of your shotgun. That means even assuming all your mags feed properly you are going to be reloading sooner. And what you lose in speed and weight/maneuverability isn't worth the trade off to me.
Of course range toys are different, but I would still want something that runs reliably. No one complains about the Saiga. And I know a few people with the RI VP that like them.
Now an AA12 is a box mag fed shotgun I could get behind.
I want an HK CAW.