
Irony pictured

So you think American Indians aren’t “Real” Americans ? My Cherokee and Lakota relatives disagree. I could write a thesis on the subject, believe that, but instead I’ll just say before you start dissing native Americans on reservations you should remember who put them there.
no, rather what i was saying is that if they want to defund the police, (as i first thought that woman WAS BORN an American-Indian) or "re-imagine the police" like many politicians are saying, then they too can move off the reservations and give up the protections afforded them by the government.

anyone that gets protection in one way or another from law enforcement, and then slaps them in the face by saying they want to defund or re-imagine how they work, can leave the places they get that service from MY tax dollars as well as YOURS and anyone else's, since they don't appreciate the sacrifices they make each and every day and night, 24/7/365

don't try and re-work what i am saying, to fit YOUR narrative.
no, rather what i was saying is that if they want to defund the police, (as i first thought that woman WAS BORN an American-Indian) or "re-imagine the police" like many politicians are saying, then they too can move off the reservations and give up the protections afforded them by the government.

anyone that gets protection in one way or another from law enforcement, and then slaps them in the face by saying they want to defund or re-imagine how they work, can leave the places they get that service from MY tax dollars as well as YOURS and anyone else's, since they don't appreciate the sacrifices they make each and every day and night, 24/7/365

don't try and re-work what i am saying, to fit YOUR narrative.
I’m not rewording anything. You’re clearly taking about American Indians on reservations and you also clearly don’t understand how it works on a reservation. Know what kind of police are on reservations? Indian police. And while we’re on the subject can you give me an example of an Indian on a reservation calling for defunding the police and then explain to me why they would defund Indian police ? And if they were calling for defunding the regular police your point is moot because regular police don’t service reservations. So maybe before you start talking about reservations and Indians you ought to educate yourself just a little bit about how they operate. Because you clearly don’t have a clue.
Also your tax dollars don’t make it to reservations. And if any of it is construed as making it to a reservation, first of all, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to what you took and second of all you put us there in the first place. With broken promises and left us to die. The government NEVER lived up to its obligations under the reservation system. Not once.