
Is CCW on a Motorcycle Safe?

Rode a bike all over Texas and a few other states. Always carried a 1911 in a OWB holster, never had a problem. In 1979 had a very bad accident. I was a police officer, had a j-frame in an ankle holster. A drunk driver hit me broad side, broke several bones. The little j-frame's trigger guard was bent around the trigger and the barrel was full of my flesh. It took a long time to fully recover.
I rode for many years (‘69 thru Dec. 2, 2022). For the last couple decades I was in anAerostich Darien jacket and pants. Carried a 638 S&W in the strong side lower (closed) pocket. Worked well.
Always! Officers Mod. 1911 or G23. 230gr. In .45ACP, 180gr. In .40 S&W. No small guns in a vehicle environment.
My choices…..
I carry a G19 @ 3:30 OWB under a snapped vest and a snubbie ankle holstered. I can clear the vest easily if the bike is stopped, but I can also pull the left side snubbie while riding if absolutely necessary. The snubbie can also be drawn inconspicuously while stopped if things are uncertain.

Going unarmed is never a thought these days; just how.

I would like to see an article on how defensive tactics may change since the rider is SO much more vulnerable than in an enclosed car. The big advantage I see on a bike is fast escape through narrow clear spaces.