I forget (but it is a very big number) how many instances John Lott says a gun is used to stop a crime every year without shots being fired. I am totally opposed to punishing someone for “brandishing” a firearm in order to stop a threat if brandishing is all that happens. If letting someone know you are armed stops a threat without you having to shoot someone, that seems to me a good outcome. How in the world did we ever get to the place we are now?! Crazy!
The numbers for Lott is somewhere north of 2 million.
Mas far as brandishing that’s dependent on jurisdictions. I’d like to see everyone so away with that and have a “pointing a firearm” like Indiana a person can be at low ready as long as you don’t point the firearm at the person you are golden just like if a LEO should do if challenged a perp
The problem most civilian training is stuck or confused with Military and LE where they reach folks to point at the subject 100%
It’s all about what is “Reasonable” but it’s sort of changed over the years.
And states that have brandishing laws take that low ready deterrent out of play so there you better really be right!
The other part of How we got here well this trickles down and effects Civilian use of force as well and is related but started with LE.
First is body cameras. While they are great for showing su suspects being a$$hats and disproving BS allegations
The downside it also has shocked the public as in the past Cops had to physically handle business and the public didn’t see it in the past. With Body cameras they were seeing how real crime was handled and some cried foul when their loved one got out in place.
I am talking real use of force accelerated by the suspect as back when I came up in the 80’s we were told and driven into our head you have authority don’t use it unless absolutely necessary. Then sometimes in the late 1990’s it changed FTOs suggestion that baby cops should be let go were discarded and administrations don’t like to get sued and everybody sued when they get fired or let go from not meeting standards now. This same baby cops grow up and go unchecked so you have the George Floyd type incidents or federal lawsuits breaking medium cities because of Officer Cartman
Back then is wasn’t uncommon for folks to get cracked in the head with a sap or baton but cops had enough character then you knew the suspect was the one that elevated that issue. Now a days in everyone gets a trophy and lowered entrance and qualification standards I’m not so sure. Why many LE shootings didn’t have to happen. If they knew and or were allowed to fight or carried OC a lot less would escalate into shootings!