
Is Revolver Ammo in Stock Near You?


9mm and .223/5.56 ammo is starting to show up on store shelves in my area with some frequency. The price at big box stores is about 25-50% higher than before COVID, but this still beats many of the online dealers. What I haven't been able to find in the Dallas area is revolver ammo. It's been almost a year since I have found any .38 Special or .357 Magnum on Academy/Bass Pro/Cabela's shelves.

Before I break down and start paying $.80-$1.00 per round plus shipping from an online seller, I wanted to see if .38 Special and .357 Magnum ammo is starting to show up anywhere else in the country. I'm willing to be patient for a bit longer if revolver rounds are showing up in other areas. Are you guys seeing standard revolver ammo on shelves where you live?
Magtech isn't usually my first choice, but its always been reliable range ammo for me. I try not to encourage insane prices by buying too much, but I'd probably pick up a couple boxes of Magtech at those prices.
Thankfully I have a few hundred rounds at home. I've cut my shooting back a lot, to about one session per month, and usually only go when I can buy range ammunition so I don't dig into my personal stock. Lots of 9mm and .44 mag shooting for me. Those are always in stock.
9mm and .223/5.56 ammo is starting to show up on store shelves in my area with some frequency. The price at big box stores is about 25-50% higher than before COVID, but this still beats many of the online dealers. What I haven't been able to find in the Dallas area is revolver ammo. It's been almost a year since I have found any .38 Special or .357 Magnum on Academy/Bass Pro/Cabela's shelves.

Before I break down and start paying $.80-$1.00 per round plus shipping from an online seller, I wanted to see if .38 Special and .357 Magnum ammo is starting to show up anywhere else in the country. I'm willing to be patient for a bit longer if revolver rounds are showing up in other areas. Are you guys seeing standard revolver ammo on shelves where you live?
I’ve found .38 special last 2 weeks at Academy Dallas Area. Bulk 100 packs
Surprised saw 12 unopened unpriced cases of 357 few weeks ago. Counter was swamped so didn't ask price.... and 2 single boxes of 32 S&W S for $49.bx today is all the revolver ammo have seen in a while. So it's out there. Not much selection though.
I cut my shooting down to once a month and don’t shoot as much like I used to shoot the whole 50 rd box I do half but yes 9 mm is showing up at the stores prices are better at the big chain stores not in the small gun shops they will get you I still having trouble getting 38 caliber anyway and 40 is hard to find sometimes anyway all in all it’s better prices and available hope it keeps up
9mm and .223/5.56 ammo is starting to show up on store shelves in my area with some frequency. The price at big box stores is about 25-50% higher than before COVID, but this still beats many of the online dealers. What I haven't been able to find in the Dallas area is revolver ammo. It's been almost a year since I have found any .38 Special or .357 Magnum on Academy/Bass Pro/Cabela's shelves.

Before I break down and start paying $.80-$1.00 per round plus shipping from an online seller, I wanted to see if .38 Special and .357 Magnum ammo is starting to show up anywhere else in the country. I'm willing to be patient for a bit longer if revolver rounds are showing up in other areas. Are you guys seeing standard revolver ammo on shelves where you live?

I've been seeing .357 SIG and Magnum, .38 Special, and 45 LC on the shelves down here in North Austin at my local Academy stores. Not super often, but I've been seeing it.
Surprised saw 12 unopened unpriced cases of 357 few weeks ago. Counter was swamped so didn't ask price.... and 2 single boxes of 32 S&W S for $49.bx today is all the revolver ammo have seen in a while. So it's out there. Not much selection though.
Just saw more today at different store, at least a caseful of boxes Remington 357 FMJ at a MI Dunhams today about $38 /50 rnd box, a handful of same in .38 spec. A single lonely box of Fed .32 H&R Mag HP 20 rnd bx@ $32. that followed me home. - Haven't seen any of that in more than a year. And a few boxes of 32 S&W S FMJ 50 rnd bx @ $54. that must be gold plated, wanted $55. 50rnd FMJ.....that can keep collecting dust there.
I shoot shot gun every once in a while if do it’s usually slugs anyway I don’t see a shortage of shot shells here they always pretty well stocked
Haven't seen any shotgun slugs in more than a year. They were the 1st to disapear around here. Then, most anything and everything else shotgun ga. wise too. One LGS frequented HAD approximately 10 - 8' high shelving units 7 shelves each. Ammo disapeared in a week. Saw a few overpriced 5 round pkgs 12 ga shotgun shells not long ago, maybe 10 pkgs at a Walmart for $7. each. They can stay there. What was $7 -$8 per 25 rnd box is now $25. or more if can find any.
Haven't seen any shotgun slugs in more than a year. They were the 1st to disapear around here. Then, most anything and everything else shotgun ga. wise too. One LGS frequented HAD approximately 10 - 8' high shelving units 7 shelves each. Ammo disapeared in a week. Saw a few overpriced 5 round pkgs 12 ga shotgun shells not long ago, maybe 10 pkgs at a Walmart for $7. each. They can stay there. What was $7 -$8 per 25 rnd box is now $25. or more if can find any.
I got a decent deal on Federal Truball 1600FPS from Bass Pro not too long ago. I think I bought about 75 rounds for around $55. With free shipping. There's plenty of " Off brand" type shells available on line too. I haven't delved into any Estate or Black Aces or any of the other ones, but I notice Winchester AA are becoming available again lately.
I got a decent deal on Federal Truball 1600FPS from Bass Pro not too long ago. I think I bought about 75 rounds for around $55. With free shipping. There's plenty of " Off brand" type shells available on line too. I haven't delved into any Estate or Black Aces or any of the other ones, but I notice Winchester AA are becoming available again lately.
Ammo is plentiful around here lately I got everything I wanted 9mm 38 and 45 prices still up there but what isn’t
Am finally seeing some change for the better.
Will likely take a while longer to balance out better availability and price in more places though from what seeing here.