I agree with this 100%. There's just so many reasons the 1911 platform is amazing...My opinion is the 1911-A1 is the safest of all handguns.
AgreeThe only time it is not safe, is when it is not loaded.
A firearm is only as dangerous as the person carrying it!Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled Is the 1911 Dangerous to Carry? and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/is-the-1911-dangerous-to-carry/.
I’ve seen cases where a malefactor gained control of a good person’s gun, tried to shoot him or her, and failed because the gun was on-safe and the thug couldn’t figure out “which lever turns on this damn gun.”
RO Compact is not too bad, as far as weight goes.Dangerous no but it is one very heavy handgun. At least my full size RO is. I do have a shoulder rig I’m going to try this fall and winter to see if that’s more comfortable.
Lol, I like your thinking.Dang right they are dangerous. It's why you carry one. But you gotta know how to use it.
Could build one like an 80% AR if you have the interest in that sort of thingI've been pondering the acquisition of a 1911 (Springfield, of course!), a thought that is gaining more momentum every day due to the continuing dearth of 9mm ammunition. In nearly every outlet (true representation of their stock) that is sold out of 9mm, they have .45 ACP available.
Thank you for another great article I'll file away for the day I bring home my first 1911!
Only way I could think of shaving off a few ounce is lighter weight rounds and an aluminum mag or if it's already aluminum then a poly magI typically belt carry my steel full size 1911s, due to the offside weight issue, two single stack magazines don't balance out for side to side. My advice is stolen from Jeff Cooper's Fighting Handguns, the ideal 45 ACP would be about 28 ounces. The Kimber aluminum frame CDP at 31 ounces as a full size 1911 is my sweet spot, full size grip, barrel, night sights. Carry a lot, shoot a little. Save the steel for extended shooting.
That’s exactly what I’ve been wanting to do….!Could build one like an 80% AR if you have the interest in that sort of thing