
Is There a Need: Cheap Single Shot 9mm


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I first saw this new pistol on YouTube and though it is pretty basic it peaked my interest. I'm not sure if it interests me because its so different or that it's an extremely cheap utility gun that can be tossed in a backpack, toolbox, tackle box or any other gear carrying box.

Has anyone else here seen this gun and if so what use do you think it's best for or is there even any decent use for it?

Nice link, but a weird gun, I see really no use for it myself. For the price of this, you can get a SCCY or something similar with more rounds, but it is def a different type of gun.
I have similar thoughts to your statements then I think how the little single shot can be broken into two pieces and stowed away easily plus it's made of polymer and stainless for max corrosion resistance which give it some advantages.
Don't see a single reason for it. A single shot pistol in any caliber is useless in my opinion. Forget the fact it looks like a flare gun. Take into the fact it is enormous for a single shot pistol. Kind of surprised it didn't say Hi-Point on the side of it...LMAO.
A single shot pistol is not smart to own. Let's take the bad guy out of the equation, let's just say you have a snake in your camp. What do you do if you miss?
Through out history there has been single shot firearms produced that are disguised as belt buckles and so on. There is one produced that looks like a credit card holder. Even though I can't see a single reason to own one, go for what you know. I could find way better things to spend my money on. Think about how many anti gunners would love for everyone to own only this thing?
But.... Perhaps @Annihilator can use it to hunt chickens....lol
Don't see a single reason for it. A single shot pistol in any caliber is useless in my opinion. Forget the fact it looks like a flare gun. Take into the fact it is enormous for a single shot pistol. Kind of surprised it didn't say Hi-Point on the side of it...LMAO.
A single shot pistol is not smart to own. Let's take the bad guy out of the equation, let's just say you have a snake in your camp. What do you do if you miss?
Through out history there has been single shot firearms produced that are disguised as belt buckles and so on. There is one produced that looks like a credit card holder. Even though I can't see a single reason to own one, go for what you know. I could find way better things to spend my money on. Think about how many anti gunners would love for everyone to own only this thing?
But.... Perhaps @Annihilator can use it to hunt chickens....lol

My T/C Contender would debate the usefulness of a single shot pistol quite emphatically.

If memory serves, 5 or 6 deer could testify on it’s effectiveness...

As for what to do if you missed the snake?

You step back a few feet while you reload, and shoot again. Not that difficult...and if you are using rat/snake shot, odds are you won’t.
My T/C Contender would debate the usefulness of a single shot pistol quite emphatically.

If memory serves, 5 or 6 deer could testify on it’s effectiveness...

As for what to do if you missed the snake?

You step back a few feet while you reload, and shoot again. Not that difficult...and if you are using rat/snake shot, odds are you won’t.
Show me a single shot pistol that you know of that is a 9mm with personal experience that has taken a deer.
And after missing the snake why be a Primative Pete? With the size of that thing you could have a pistol that holds many more rounds. Hence no reason to stand there reloading while a mad snake is now after you.
No thanks!
Show me a single shot pistol that you know of that is a 9mm with personal experience that has taken a deer.
And after missing the snake why be a Primative Pete? With the size of that thing you could have a pistol that holds many more rounds. Hence no reason to stand there reloading while a mad snake is now after you.
No thanks!

A friend has taken several deer, one shot drops, with a Glock 17L...so, for all intents and purposes, a single-shot would have sufficed in the same situation.

And I’ve never seen a snake that got shot at “get mad and (go) after you”...they tend to go the other direction, fast.
A friend has taken several deer, one shot drops, with a Glock 17L...so, for all intents and purposes, a single-shot would have sufficed in the same situation.

And I’ve never seen a snake that got shot at “get mad and (go) after you”...they tend to go the other direction, fast.
Funny🤪 the story is always I have friend that did that. You can't provide personal experience. You seem to be in high favor of this monstrosity of a pistol. Are you going to be a proud owner of one? The whole conversation is moot. Because for most people they are not taking a single shot 9mm with them just for the snakes and also taking another pistol for self protection. They simply take the pistol they would use for self protection as it serves good for varmets and self protection. And... @10mmLife
said he wanted opinions. Yours mine and anyone else that is on this forum. He also asked us if we found a decent use for it. All I did was respond with my opinion. And light heartedly at that. Seems like it has struck a nerve with you. And it surely shouldn't. My opinion is just that. No reason to go back and forth trying to convince others of what you believe. That's what is great about our freedom. You can choose your single shot pistol. While I on the other hand would never own one and prefer more capacity.
Funny🤪 the story is always I have friend that did that. You can't provide personal experience. You seem to be in high favor of this monstrosity of a pistol. Are you going to be a proud owner of one? The whole conversation is moot. Because for most people they are not taking a single shot 9mm with them just for the snakes and also taking another pistol for self protection. They simply take the pistol they would use for self protection as it serves good for varmets and self protection. And... @10mmLife
said he wanted opinions. Yours mine and anyone else that is on this forum. He also asked us if we found a decent use for it. All I did was respond with my opinion. And light heartedly at that. Seems like it has struck a nerve with you. And it surely shouldn't. My opinion is just that. No reason to go back and forth trying to convince others of what you believe. That's what is great about our freedom. You can choose your single shot pistol. While I on the other hand would never own one and prefer more capacity.

I was in the stand with him when he took the shot a couple of times, so...yeah, it’s pretty much personal experience.

But please, call me a liar again.
I was in the stand with him when he took the shot a couple of times, so...yeah, it’s pretty much personal experience.

But please, call me a liar again.
Can't personally vouch for a single shot with '9mm' in a Contender taking deer, or any other gun for that matter, but I would not be surprised at all. I can however absolutely swear to more than a few deer taken with a single shot of .357mag in a Contender. A couple at or near 100 yds.

Probably the last 8-10 years of my hunting days I used the Contender in various calibers as often as any other firearm I owned. It just depended on my mood that day and what game I was after. I carried it in a monsterous shoulder holster that rode more down my entire side than close under the shoulder. LOL!

So, I'm of the opinion that there is a time/place for single shot handguns. And yeh, I know the difference between the two rnds, but still a single shot.

Contender was almost universal in choice for the silhouette games back in the day. OTB accuracy of the single shot Contender was hard to beat, regardless of gun.

Have also taken more than a few feral pigs with the same single shot Contender, using .22mag.

Just something to ponder y'all!

Can't personally vouch for a single shot with '9mm' in a Contender taking deer, or any other gun for that matter, but I would not be surprised at all. I can however absolutely swear to more than a few deer taken with a single shot of .357mag in a Contender. A couple at or near 100 yds.

Probably the last 8-10 years of my hunting days I used the Contender in various calibers as often as any other firearm I owned. It just depended on my mood that day and what game I was after. I carried it in a monsterous shoulder holster that rode more down my entire side than close under the shoulder. LOL!

So, I'm of the opinion that there is a time/place for single shot handguns. And yeh, I know the difference between the two rnds, but still a single shot.

Contender was almost universal in choice for the silhouette games back in the day. OTB accuracy of the single shot Contender was hard to beat, regardless of gun.

Have also taken more than a few feral pigs with the same single shot Contender, using .22mag.

Just something to ponder y'all!

Can you vouch that Glock makes G17L?
Because I can't find it on their website. So is this a model that is secret and not posted on their webpage? 🤪😆😁LOL
Just messing with ya. I know it's a long slide very similar to the XDm 5.25.
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