

...and let's not forget that the number of U.S. citizens who have been taken hostage continues to climb. On that fact alone, we are already involved and on the ground, though of course in an "advisory role" for the time being. Supposedly.
...and let's not forget that the number of U.S. citizens who have been taken hostage continues to climb. On that fact alone, we are already involved and on the ground, though of course in an "advisory role" for the time being. Supposedly.
we should send taliab and omar over to find them.....ooops

i saw that the number keeps going up...very concerning.
then i was reminded of the number of troops we have in syria and how they may come into play
Vox, Reuters, The Guardian, some MSM outlets, all referring to Hamas as a Palestinian Militant islamic group. All very careful not to call them terrorists or refer to their attack as terrorism.

They'll "Cancel" someone for saying All Lives Matter, but then they protect people rallying in support of Hamas. Chanting "Gas the Jews" ought to come with some repercussions.
...and let's not forget that the number of U.S. citizens who have been taken hostage continues to climb. On that fact alone, we are already involved and on the ground, though of course in an "advisory role" for the time being. Supposedly.
Israel needs US advisors like they need another Gaza Strip. Our track record in the last 10 years sucks. Maybe we should get some Israeli advisors to help us out.
Israel needs US advisors like they need another Gaza Strip. Our track record in the last 10 years sucks. Maybe we should get some Israeli advisors to help us out.

Not debating that, just pointing out that with numerous U.S. citizens being held captive, we are most definitely already involved. People wondering whether we will get directly involved or not in this conflict are several days late to the game - the question now is the extent to which our involvement will continue to increase (or not).
Not debating that, just pointing out that with numerous U.S. citizens being held captive, we are most definitely already involved. People wondering whether we will get directly involved or not in this conflict are several days late to the game - the question now is the extent to which our involvement will continue to increase (or not).
I wouldn't say directly. Especially considering that the people who will go on TV to tell you whether or not we are directly involved are currently claiming there is no evidence Iran was directly involved with the terrorist Hamas attack. Hezbollah, Hamas and Israeli intelligence all said they were involved, even planning it.
I wouldn't say directly. Especially considering that the people who will go on TV to tell you whether or not we are directly involved are currently claiming there is no evidence Iran was directly involved with the terrorist Hamas attack. Hezbollah, Hamas and Israeli intelligence all said they were involved, even planning it.

You don't believe we already have people on the ground giving direct input/assistance into hostage extraction plans? I'm not referring to what anyone on tv says one way or another.
Not debating that, just pointing out that with numerous U.S. citizens being held captive, we are most definitely already involved. People wondering whether we will get directly involved or not in this conflict are several days late to the game - the question now is the extent to which our involvement will continue to increase (or not).
Considering the current Admin freed-up $6Billion to Iran in exchange for 3 persons, they'll likely pay alot more for the current hostages.
I wouldn't say directly. Especially considering that the people who will go on TV to tell you whether or not we are directly involved are currently claiming there is no evidence Iran was directly involved with the terrorist Hamas attack. Hezbollah, Hamas and Israeli intelligence all said they were involved, even planning it.
Everyone knows about Iran's involvement for literally decades in supporting terrorist operations. However, even from the beginning of OIF the US had a hands off policy with Iran. This would be like trying to liberate France without bombing the heck out of Germany and interdicting supply lines. For example, Iran supplied 107mm rockets to Shiite groups in Iraq and we did nothing about it. Iran had two specialized pieces of equipment to manufacture a type of IED which they were "exporting" to Hezbollah in Lebanon through NATO "ally" Turkey. Now, Israel is paying the price for our lack of response over 15 years ago. So, of course we knew and the leadership sat on their hands.
You don't believe we already have people on the ground giving direct input/assistance into hostage extraction plans? I'm not referring to what anyone on tv says one way or another.
I don't know. Maybe. I think the Israelis don't need our assistance with that, but...

My point is that even of we do, we don't. Just like Iran didn't, but did.
Everyone knows about Iran's involvement for literally decades in supporting terrorist operations. However, even from the beginning of OIF the US had a hands off policy with Iran. This would be like trying to liberate France without bombing the heck out of Germany and interdicting supply lines. For example, Iran supplied 107mm rockets to Shiite groups in Iraq and we did nothing about it. Iran had two specialized pieces of equipment to manufacture a type of IED which they were "exporting" to Hezbollah in Lebanon through NATO "ally" Turkey. Now, Israel is paying the price for our lack of response over 15 years ago. So, of course we knew and the leadership sat on their hands.
And they will continue to do so.
We should not worry about a few US citizens. They went there of free will its up to them to get out. I don't like risking military lives to get unthankful citizens. Wasn't our decision to go there.
We should not worry about a few US citizens. They went there of free will its up to them to get out. I don't like risking military lives to get unthankful citizens. Wasn't our decision to go there.
I don't agree. There are many reasons people might be there and whatever they are we should try to get them back.
That's not to say I think it should alter military strategy, but we still should try to get them. As Israel should try to get their citizens too. As long as it doesn't involve not wiping Hamas from the face of the earth.

What's that the left likes to say ? The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. How many lives will be saved by wiping out Hamas ? Hell, how many Palestinians will be saved by wiping out Hamas ?
We should not worry about a few US citizens. They went there of free will its up to them to get out. I don't like risking military lives to get unthankful citizens. Wasn't our decision to go there.

Why would we presume these people being held hostage are "ungrateful?" They could simply U.S. citizens who were visiting family, traveling on business, etc. There are many U.S. citizens that travel to Israel all the time - it doesn't mean they are ungrateful of their home country.
Why would we presume these people being held hostage are "ungrateful?" They could simply U.S. citizens who were visiting family, traveling on business, etc. There are many U.S. citizens that travel to Israel all the time - it doesn't mean they are ungrateful of their home country.
and some were there as teachers
heck my last job we went to isreal to train the IDF with the UH60 and other helicopters.. sometime its just a job
agreed it should not be the only usa mission. in most likely terms they are dead already or very near. SAD but true and yes we should get them, but not invade to do it.
nothing says pucker factor more than being unarmed in the hornets nest.....scary as a wet fart in a swimming pool it was..

i pray our people are safe and sound and get returned. but the pragmatic part of me doubts it will be that good