
Issues with brand new Ronin 1911 4.25 9mm

During the break-in period (500+ rounds) try using only ball ammo. After that you can experiment with various JHP to see which manufacturer your gun likes. There are other things that may also be a concern, but this is a good place to start.
How many rounds ? What kind of ammo? How many different brands/types of ammo? People have widely differing definitions of reliable too.

Besides, my comment was half tongue in cheek. I've had many different 1911s over the years. Never any high end stuff. Lots of Colts. And while some of them fed reliably with most ammo, almost none of them ever compelled me not to have something done to them. Triggers, feed ramps, guide rods, match barrel, springs, whatever. In my experience unless you go straight out of the box with a Dan Wesson or Les Baer or Wilson Combat, etc. etc. They are almost never "plug and play". With a few notable exceptions. One of my favorite guns is a parts gun that a buddy of mine ( 12 years US Navy small arms instructor) brought home a few pieces at a time. Loose as hell, rattles like a diamondback and shoots ever so slightly to the left. Never jammed, never once, thousands and thousands of rounds. I also have a Phillipino Charles Daly that my dad bought for some unknown reason for about $400 brand new that has never given me any trouble other than it clearly doesn't like Ed Brown mags. Wilson Combat and Kimber mags and it will run anything, all day long. Although now that I am thinking about it I believe my old man had my buddy do a little work on the feed ramp shortly after he bought it.

As for the SA stuff, I have never even held one, but considering the breadth of all the threads about them here they are hit or miss at best.
Don't know how to react to the email reply I received from Springfield regarding my issues. See below

Thank you for contacting Springfield Armory!!

The EMP’s are undergoing some revisions and we’ll be introducing new models soon and that the old models will be discontinued. You may find the old models out there on the market, but we are not producing them any longer. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Don't know how to react to the email reply I received from Springfield regarding my issues. See below

Thank you for contacting Springfield Armory!!

The EMP’s are undergoing some revisions and we’ll be introducing new models soon and that the old models will be discontinued. You may find the old models out there on the market, but we are not producing them any longer. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Mine isn't even an EMP