
It's inauguration eve!

Don't assume all those Mexican, or other Hispanic crews are illegal, many are here legally. In my neck of the woods most contractors are afraid to get caught hiring illegals
People that believe that crap are the reason I was forced out of business at 44 years old, after spending my entire life as a carpenter and having to find a complete other line of work, as an old man, to support my family. I'm lucky. I know how to do a lot of different stuff and I am extremely used to working my balls off. Imagine if I wasn't. Obama's plan might have worked and I'd have ended up depending on the GD government to live.
If I have to, I can espouse at length how the Obama administration through government regulations, collaboration with insurance companies ( remember, insurance companies are all owned by banks) the EPA and the IRS conspired to run me and people like me out of business in an attempt to pay for Obamacare. Let me put it this way, in one year, in which I had zero employees, I was forced pay over 70k to an insurance company for workers compensation insurance even though in over twenty years in business I never once made a claim. A window replacement job on a house that had no lead paint in it would have to be sold for more than twice as much, overnight, thanks to new lead abatement regulations put in place by Obama to pay for Obamacare. In order to do the job I had to either follow lead abatement protocol ( which I had to pay $500 and then a couple hundred every 3 years to be trained and certified in lead abatement) or prove there was no lead present. Seems sensible enough right ? Well in order to prove there is no lead, a sample from both styles, the sill and the header from every single window in the house would have to be sent to a lab and tested for lead in order to avoid lead abatement protocol. That's a couple hundred dollars per window and an average 6 week wait just to prove there was no lead. The lead abatement protocols involve "special", VERY expensive plastic sheeting and trash bags and a convoluted and frankly ridiculous procedure and when it was finished all those "Special", VERY expensive trash bags were simply taken to the dump. The same dump construction trash in regular bags goes to. Not a special section or in any way sorted out or separated, just chucked in the piles along with everything else. And that special plastic ? Guess what the difference between it and normal plastic sheeting was ? It said "Danger-Lead" on it. What a F'in scam. It became very difficult for me to sell window jobs because I had to raise my prices and was not a huge company that could offer financing.
There are 10 million able-bodied men collecting welfare thanks to the Donkey Party who should be out working.

Labor issue fixed.
This! Welfare for the able bodied should stop yesterday. No workie no eatie. We fail to do enough for those citizens truly in need, while coddling illegals and able bodied, lazy, Americans. I went to work the week following my 16th birthday. I retired (second time) the week of my 70th. In ALL those years I was without a job exactly 6 weeks-and that was when I retired the First time🙄. Sorry, but I have zero compassion for the lazy and “entitled”.
So it begins:
Trump takes 51 secret clearance away which means bye bye gov't job.

Time to clean house and remove all illegals. To many military age men in this country from China and other countries. Deport all those that have committed crimes, then those that haven't been caught yet and after that let's lock up the morons that thought opening the border was such a good idea.