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This kid gets an A+ for following directions!
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This kid gets an A+ for following directions!
When I was teaching I gave a fill-in-the-blank test, with the question being "The sun rises in the East and sets in the West"." Everyone provided the correct reponse, except for one student. She decided to answer with morning and evening. Technically, correct answers, but not what I was looking for, but I let it slide. :)
BTDT...sorta. Years ago, our ship was getting ready to finally depart a shipyard that we had been in for a repair period, and we had to attend a meeting to discuss final preps. The fellow holding the meeting said that we should have already received directional arrows to stencil on pipelines, vents, etc.
One of our guys, a known prankster, raised his hand to be called on. When recognized he stated that we had only received arrow stencils that pointed to the right, and needed the left pointing arrows. The fellow from the shipyard paused, then said very seriously......."We'll check with the stencil shop and make sure you get those." 🤔 😊
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