Thats a good catch.To me, the front cut outs are machined at different dimensions .. one on right has a deeper cut
View attachment 38246
Thats a good catch.To me, the front cut outs are machined at different dimensions .. one on right has a deeper cut
View attachment 38246
This is not my first pistol, I have been shooting for a long time. Strictly a matter of preference, as well as wanting all 6 functioning magazines. I’ve never had a single malfunction with my original and now 20 year old XD .40.One shouldn't rely on a temporary flared mag well in order learn to properly load magazines into any pistol, especially if the flared mag well would interfere with loading a magazine that works in the pistol.
Magwells: Do You Really Need One on Your Handgun? 2023
A magwell can speed up the reloading process, keeping you in the fight or the match
When you call you can tell them you have one more person who has experienced the same problem. I got my gear up mags in fall of last year.I appreciate the thoughts. I have tried to use my thumb to seat it to no avail. I do believe the extended baseplate will make these work. Going to call on Monday and see what Springfield says.
Agree, I missed that as well.Thats a good catch.
Agreed.It's apparent that the magwell was not designed to accept mags with the 15 round base.
So them both of these 15/16 rds mags hold 16 rds?Another note, although they are all marked 15rds, they all hold 16 quite easily.
Couldnt speak to the compact. But all the mags I received with mine are marked 15rd, have viewing holes on the back numbered to 15, but I was able to put 16 in each without an issue. I have wondered about this since I have seen them advertised as 16 and 15 rd capacities, and it doesn't make sense to have two mags that similar with a 1 round difference between them to me. Why would Springfield make 15 and 16 round mags anyway?
You are correct, when using the standard 15rd baseplates for use without the magwell, it will only hold 15. With the extension baseplate they hold 16. So it appears if you choose to take the magwell off you lose a round capacity, or use a mag with an extended baseplate without the magwell attached for the extra 1 round.I wondered about why all my mags said 15 round and yet Springfield said the XDM Elite's were shipped with 16 round mags, so I called them. They told me that the mags themselves are indeed 15 round but the XDM Elite's were shipped with the 16 round extension baseplate thus making them 16 round mags. They included two 15 round baseplates if we wanted to use them instead. What they neglected to say was that the 15 round mags won't work with the mag well.
Redwings, I've tried to fit 16 rounds in my mags with the 15 round baseplate without success. Are you sure you're not talking about the mags with the 16 round extension?
Change baseplates on the 15rd magsI went through the same thing. I purchased 15 round magazines for my 10mm XD-M Elite from my local gun shop and they don’t work with the flared magwell. I purchased 16 round magazines from Springfield and they work perfectly. They are only interchangeable with the flared magwell removed. They have different part numbers on the Springfield site for the 15 and 16 round magazines. Even the gun shop guys were confused.
I just bought an XDM elite in 10mm, with the gear up package, receiving 4 extra mags with purchase. However 2 of the 6 mags have a different smaller base/plate on them, and when inserted in the firearm, promptly fall out. What am I missing here?