There's unfortunately no way that you won't wear the gun - if you earnestly practice the draw, you will see wear, sooner or later. Even with how tough modern finishes are, it's still going to happen.
With Kydex and other hardshell thermoplastics, usually, it's the high points that wear first.
With leather - or even baby-butt - usually, it's the flats.
The biggest contributor to wear is debris/particulates in the holster itself. Any debris lodged between the holster's inner face and the finish of the gun will exacerbate/accelerate wear. This can be mitigated by being careful about maintaining the cleanliness of both the gun and the holster, but, like I wrote to begin this post, if you really, really practice your draw stroke and re-holstering, this is going to be easier said than done. Particularly if your practice entails ground work (and it really should: not just in the context of the entangled physical fight, but also in case of trip/slip/fall); and doubly that if you live in more arid areas or practice on ground surfaces that produce fine grit (i.e. sand, cinders, etc.).
Look at Mr. Strayer's competition gun, as well as my 4.5-inch XDm that I'd posted pictures of later in the thread (that was when my gun was at 30K) -
And here's a delicious Baer, at 25K -
The one surefire way to avoid wear? make it a safe-queen. No shame in that. Just a different purpose.
The other good way to do it is to simply get the gun refinished, when you deem that necessary. There used to be a show-car in Japan that was also daily driven. It was repainted weekly.